İran'da "Diller İlişkisi" - "Diller Çatışması" : Azeri Türkçesi'nin Konumu ve İşlevine Toplumdilbilimsel Bir Bakış

The analysis of the investigations conducted in two Iranian cities, in order to study the sociolinguistic situation of the Turkish azeri in its contact with the official language (Persian), reveal the tendency of the decline of this ethnic language. The substitution of the official-language with the maternal language is one of the signs of this tendency. On the other hand, it demonstrates the existence of a process of regression of the transmission of the ethnic language at the quantitative level as well as at the qualitative level. As for the linguistic practices, they vary according to the social character of the spaces, meaning that it is about a diglossic practice. On the otHer hand, the fact that the use of the ethnic language is in regression in all considered spaces enables us to describe this diglossic practice as unsteady. Therefore, the linguistic contact of the Azeri in Iran can be described as contradictory.


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