Ahlâk-ı Nâsırî'de Ahlâk ve Siyaset İlişkisi: Sevgi Erdemi Merkezli Bir Okuma

Bu çalışmada insanın eylemlerini sevgi erdemi üzerinden kurgulamasının imkânı tartışılacaktır. Çalışmada sevgi erdemi ve bireysel ve toplumsal hayattaki rolü Nasîruddîn Tusî'nin Ahlâk-ı Nâsırî adlı eseri merkeze alınarak değerlendirilecektir. İnsanların birbirleriyle olan ilişkilerinde sevginin merkeze alınmasıyla hem bireysel hem de toplumsal huzurun gerçekleşmesinin mümkün olduğu iddiası çalışmanın temel dayanağıdır. Bu çerçevede öncelikle sevgi erdemi kavramsal olarak incelenecek, daha sonra bireysel ve toplumsal hayattaki rolü değerlendirilecektir. Bireysel hayattaki tezahürü, insanın kendisiyle barışık olması, hikmete ve erdemlere yönelmesi üzerinden; toplumsal sahadaki tezahürü ise, sevginin siyasi ve sosyal hayattaki rolü üzerinden incelenecektir. Sevginin bireysel ve toplumsal sahadaki rolü, kişinin öncelikle kendini tanıması, daha sonra da toplumsal hayata katkı vermesi şeklinde ortaya çıkmaktadır. Sevgi erdemine dayalı kurgulanan bireysel ve toplumsal yapı benmerkezci değildir, tam tersine bireye ve çevresine katkı vermeye yönelik olarak kurgulanır. Çalışmada Tusî tarafından sevgi erdemine dayalı olarak geliştirilen kurgudan hareketle bireysel olarak hikmete, toplumsal olarak da saadete ulaşmanın imkânı ortaya konulmaya çalışılacaktır.

Relationship Between Ethics and Politics in Ahlâk-ı Nâsırî -A Reading on Virtue of Affection

Human behavior in individual and social life is related to ethics and political philosophy. The preferences of people when they are under pressure, prevent individuals and society from being able to acheive a healthy state. A healthy society is one based on the desire to live together. As a result of affection and discretionary action, a person will be healthy and at peace with themselves. This is also true in social life. Through these actions a person is able to interact with other people in the social life. The concept of affection is associated with morality and politics in the writings of Nasiruddin Tusî. Nasiruddin Tusi was an original thinker in Islamic philosophy; and his book Ahlâk-ı Nâsırî -Nasirean Ethics- has a very important place in Islamic Moral Philosophy. In this study the individual and the social structure based on the virtue of affection is evaluated. This conception requires that the individual and the social structure of human being must be based on affection. For this to happen, the person must recognize themselves. Healthy individuals are not egocentric, but on the contrary they are compatible with themselves and with other members of the society. To accomplish this, they must move towards the virtues and wisdoms. This understanding based on affection, will ward off temporary happiness and will refer to eternal happiness. The difference of humans from other existences is the ability to think and choose their actions. They also require responsibility due to the actions they take The virtue of affection will appear at this point. This virtue is necessary to create a structure that provides a healthy personal and social life. In human, there are two kinds of affection. One of them is obtained by nature; it is called natural love. The other is achieved later; this affection is obtained voluntarily. The basic element of development of a person is affection of wisdom. These people know their souls. Because of this, they love themselves, as well as love other people. This affection directs them to goodness. The reason which brings people together is expressed as pleasure, benefit, and virtue. If a person cannot see what is most superior among them, they will not be able to obtain true happiness. Another reflection of the virtue of affection is its effect on social life. Social life is also based on the virtue of affection. People live together because of affection. This socialization must be based on virtue. There is justice and prosperity in this society. The citizens perform duties willingly and happily in this society. If the main purposes of society are pleasure and utility, this society is not a virtuous society. This society cannot attain virtues and wisdom. Therefore after obtaining these benefits will be perish the society. Something that unites them is tyranny, wealth, pleasure, dignity and freedom. An affection centred society is gathered around the virtues. Tusi’s suggestion on this issue is important to us


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