The Geostrategic Positioning Turkmenistan as Oil and Gas Supplier in the 21 Century

As part of this work I am with the analysis of the geopolitical and political contribution of Turkmenistan for the international community. With the work I want a scientific contribution to current discussion of the Turkmenistan afford, in which I will endeavor, with a critical eye on the emergence and development of relations with the U.S. and the EU to throw. “Geostrategic positioning” formulated the player and the selected room type of Intergovernmental Relations, which Turkmenistan with its neighbors and the state actors in the geopolitical space of a self-selected and defined position maintains. This assumption is based on the fact that the country's reserves of fossil fuels, its national interests as its own foreign policy paradigms can be implemented.
Anahtar Kelimeler:

Geopolitics, Turkmenistan, Gas, Oil

Die Geostrategische Positionierung Turkmenistans Als Erdgas- Und Erdöllieferant Im 21. Jahrhundert

Im Rahmen der vorliegenden Arbeit beschäftige ich mich mit der Analyse der geopolitische und politische Beitrag Turkmenistans für internationale Gemeinschaft. Mit der Arbeit will ich einen wissenschaftlich fundierten Beitrag zur gegenwärtigen Diskussion um die Turkmenistan leisten, in dem ich mich bemühen werde, einen kritischen Blick auf die Entstehung und Entwicklung der Beziehungen zu den USA und der EU zu werfen. „Geostrategische Positionierung" formuliert den Akteursraum und die gewählte Art der Zwischenstaatlichen Beziehungen, welche Turkmenistan zu seinen Nachbarn und den staatlichen Akteuren im Geopolitischen Raum, aus einem selbst gewählten und definierten Standpunkt unterhält. Diese Grundannahme basiert auf der Tatsache, dass das Land aufgrund seiner Reserven an fossilen Brennstoffen, seine Nationalen Interessen als Paradigmen der eigenen Aussenpolitik umsetzen kann.Schlagworte: geopolitik, Turkmenistan, erdgas, erdöl.21. Yüzyılda Türkmenistan'ın Petrol ve Doğalgaz Tedariki Açısından Jeopolitik KonumuBu inceleme, ülke ve ittifakların politika ve strateji oluşturmalarında başrolü oynayan jeopolitik ve Jeostrateji kavramlarını açıklamak ve Türkmenistan'ın günümüz şartlarında yer aldığı jeopolitik ortamı belirlemeyi amaçlamaktadır. Orta Asya'da son derece özel bir jeopolitik öneme sahip olan Türkmenistan, zengin doğal gaz kaynaklarına sahiptir. 21. Yüzyılda Avrasya'da enerji rekabetinin kızıştığı bir ortamda doğal gaz tedariki açısından Türkmenistan kilit duruma gelmiştir. Orta Doğu'nun istikrarsızlık içerisinde bulunduğu ve eski Sovyet ülkeleri üzerinde ABD-Rusya rekabetinin yaşandığı bu dönemde, enerji güvenliği ön plana çıkmıştır. Bir taraftan Rusya'ya olan doğal gaz bağımlılığından kurtulmaya çalışan eski Sovyet ve Avrupa ülkeleri, diğer taraftan Rusya'nın Orta Asya enerji kaynakları üzerindeki etkisini kırmaya ve Çin'in muhtemel etkisini engellemeye çalışan ABD, Türkmen gazı için Rusya istikametine alternatif olan boru hatları projelerinin peşindedir.Anahtar Kelimeler: jeopolitik, Türkmenistan, doğalgaz, petrol.The Geostrategic Positioning Turkmenistan as Oil and Gas Supplier in the 21 CenturyAs part of this work I am with the analysis of the geopolitical and political contribution of Turkmenistan for the international community. With the work I want a scientific contribution to current discussion of the Turkmenistan afford, in which I will endeavor, with a critical eye on the emergence and development of relations with the U.S. and the EU to throw. "Geostrategic positioning" formulated the player and the selected room type of Intergovernmental Relations, which Turkmenistan with its neighbors and the state actors in the geopolitical space of a self-selected and defined position maintains. This assumption is based on the fact that the country's reserves of fossil fuels, its national interests as its own foreign policy paradigms can be implemented.Keywords: geopolitics, Turkmenistan, gas, oil.