An Archaic Marble Block with an Artemis Relief Found in the Vicinity of Notion1

A marble architectural block was discovered in 2011 next to Ales River that passes through the perimeter of the ancient city of Notion localized in Ahmetbeyli Township in Izmir province. The block was a spe- cimen of triglyph-metope from a marble archaic temple built in Doric order. The present study proposes the thesis that, although the block was found at a close distance to Notion, it most probably belonged to a temple in Claros Sacred Site. This temple should be the Archaic Artemis Temple, of which only the foun- dations survive today. The figure that coul d be observed at the front of the block on the metope section as a low relief is the Goddess Artemis. The figure depicting an archer-hunter was dated back to 535-530 BC. If the theory proposed in the present study is accurate, the finding is significant as an evidence of the existence of the marble Artemis Temple built in Doric order during the Archaic Period and as the most visual ruin found remaining from the temple.


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