Origanum L. (Ballıbabagiller / Lamiaceae) Cinsine Ait Yeni Bir Melez: Origanum × malatyanum Yıldız, Arabacı & Dirmenci

Bu çalışmada, Türkiye’den Origanum L. (Lamiaceae) cinsine ait yeni bir melez olan Origanum × malatyanum Yıldız, Arabacı & Dirmenci verildi. Yeni meleze ait örnekler Malatya ilinden toplandı. Yeni melez, ataları olan Origanum haussknectii Boiss. ve Origanum vulgare L. subsp. gracile (K.Koch) Ietsw. ile karşılaştırıldı. Melezin ayırt edici karakterleri, betimi, şekilleri ve dağılım haritası verildi. Ayrıca ata türler ile olan morfolojik farklılıkları tartışıldı. Yeni melezin gövde ve yaprak tüy durumu ve spiküllerin, bıraktelerin, çanak ve tacın şekli ve ölçüsü ile ebeveynlerinden farklılık gösterdiği belirlendi.
Anahtar Kelimeler:

Endemik, Malatya, melez, taksonomi

Leaf Micromorphogy of Cultivated Lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.) and its Wild Relatives

Cultivated lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.) is an economically important weedy plant for human consumption at worldwide. The primary gene pool of L. sativa consists of wild L. serriola L., L. aculeata Boiss. & Kotschy, L. azerbaijanica Rech. f., L. georgica Grossh. and L. scarioloides Boiss. while L. saligna L. is in its secondary gene pool. L. sativa has been subjected to various studies due to its economic importance. This study aims to reveal leaf micromorphology of the taxa in the primary and secondary gene pool of L. sativa and determinate these relationships based on leaf micromophological characters through phenetic analysis. In order to achieve these aims, character states of leaves belonging to the taxa were determined through multiple sampling and these data were subjected to analysis. According to the micromorphological data, L. saligna is the closest species to L. sativa and undulate anticlinal wall of epidermis cells is shared common character state for both taxa. The most variation was observed in density of epicuticular wax and wax type among the studied micromorphological characters. On the other hand the states of anticlinal and periclinal walls of epidermis cells are stable within the taxa. Indumentum on abaxial leaf surface is also stable within the taxa except L. saligna. In the light of these findings, anticlinal-periclinal walls of epidermis cells and indumentum can be used as distinctive characters to determine the boundaries between taxa in systematic studies in Lactuca.


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