The expression of identity: Country pavilions for expo in architectural design studio

This study discusses design in architecture education by generating notions and concepts and examines this issue through a design studio. The study, through the studio which handles "Expo pavilion design" that is considered to reflect the issue of identity in the most solid way possible, aims to present how notions representing identity turn into architectural products, by observing dynamics that constitute design process, how different choices and methods reflected on the final product and student tendencies. The methods employed in the study are presentation of theoretical framework in line with the literature review, qualitative methods including participant observation and interviews with students concerning studio process. In the study, the architectural design studio that aimed to create an interactive and participatory environment which enabled students to learn from each other was discussed. Finally, the study underlines the relationship between the method employed in studio and outcomes of the process and students' inclination to prefer concrete data with regard to conceptualisation.


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