A research on the effect of classroom wall colours on student's attention

In this study, the effect of classroom wall colours on student's attention was investigated. The research was conducted with the age groups of 8-9 in the two primary schools, one private the other state. These schools have a different socia-cultural and economic scale. A total of 78 students participated in this study. Five colours (5R 7/8, 5Y 7/8, 5G 7/8, 5B 7/8, 5P 7/8) were selected by using Munsell Colour System and classroom walls were painted for five consecutive weeks. The students had lessons under different wall colours and the attention tests were performed on students the end of the weekday. The results show that attention scores were the highest in the purple (5P 7/8) wall colour conditions and the lowest in the red (5R 7/8) wall colour conditions.


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