АннотацияЕвразийство – это концепция, выдвинутая такими мыслителями, как Трубецкой, Савицкий, Флоровской и др., которые покинули Россию после Октябрьской революции 1917 года, играет жизненно важную роль в российской системе мышления. Концепция Евразийства, для которой характерно множество философских и политических принципов, за короткое время достигла основных принципов Славянофильства и создала целую сеть, основанную на географическом детерминизме. Данная система взглядов, определяющая Россию как отдельную от Запада и Востока цивилизацию, практически стала крепостью, основанной на противопоставлении западной гегемонии и евроцентризма. Приверженцы Евразийства утверждали, что Россия для защиты многонационального строя должна придерживаться умеренной политики, а для развития и модернизации государства - консервативной. И в данном случае, представленном на этой статье, был выявлен первоисточник Евразийства и проанализированы основные факторы развития классической ветви данного течения.ÖzetKlasik Avrasyacılık Konseptinin Tekâmülüne Etki Eden Temel FaktörlerAvrasyacılık, 1917 Ekim devriminden sonra Trubetskoy, Savitskiy, Florovskyvd. gibi Rusya’yı terk eden düşünürlerin fikir çileleriyle neşet etmiş ve Rus düşüncesisteminde önemli bir yeri olan bir mefkuredir. Karakteristik olarak politik ve felsefikodlar barındıran Avrasyacılık konsepti, kısa bir zaman içinde slavofilizmin odağındave coğrafi determinizmi esas alan bir yapıya kavuşmuştur. Rusya’yı Batı ve Doğu’danayrı bir medeniyet alanı olarak tanımlayan bu düşünce sistemi, Batı hegemonyasıve avrupamerkezciliğin önünde adeta fikir bazlı bir kale haline gelmiştir. Avrasyacıdüşünürler, Rusya’da çok milletli yapının korunması, devletin gelişiminde muhafazakârlıkve modernleşme arasında orta bir yol tutulması gerektiğini savunmuşlardır. Bu çerçevedekaleme alınan bu çalışmada, klasik avrasyacılığın birincil kaynakları taranarak, KlasikAvrasyacılığı tekâmül ettiren temel faktörler tahlil edilmiştir. AbstractKey Factors of Evolution of the Classical Eurasian ConceptEurasianism, is an idea which was emerged by thinkers like Trubetskoy, Savitsky,Florovsky etc. who left Russia after the October Revolution of 1917, has a vital placein Russian thinking system. The concept of Eurasianism which characteristically hostspolitical and philosophical codes gained the center of Slavophilism in a short time andhas built a structure based on geographical determinism. This thought system, definingRussia as a separate civilization field from the West and East, almost become a fortressbased on thought in front of the western hegemony and eurocentrism. Eurasianistthinkers argued that a middle way should be kept in Russia’s multi-ethnic structureprotection and conservatism in the development and modernization of the state. In thiscontext, penned in this page, the primary source of classical Eurasianism scanned andthe main factors that made the evolution of classical Eurasianism was assayed.

Key Factors of Evolution of the Classical Eurasian ConceptEurasianism, is an idea which was emerged by thinkers like Trubetskoy, Savitsky, Florovsky etc. who left Russia after the October Revolution of 1917, has a vital place in Russian thinking system. The concept of Eurasianism which characteristically hosts political and philosophical codes gained the center of Slavophilism in a short time and has built a structure based on geographical determinism. This thought system, defining Russia as a separate civilization field from the West and East, almost become a fortress based on thought in front of the western hegemony and eurocentrism. Eurasianist thinkers argued that a middle way should be kept in Russia’s multi-ethnic structure protection and conservatism in the development and modernization of the state. In this context, penned in this page, the primary source of classical Eurasianism scanned and the main factors that made the evolution of classical Eurasianism was assayed.