ÖZETBu araştırmanın ana konusu, ülkemizde etkin olarak kullanılansapdöğer harman makinalarının harman/ama organları olan batiiderinin.W'Üll işleme ve enerji geı eksilıimi yönündf!n geliştirilrnesidir. Bu amaçlabirisi alışıla gelmiş tipleri yansıtan, diğer üçü de yeniden tasarlanemparmak profillerine sahip dört tip batöı ile denemeler yürütülmüştiir.Hann([l/lama etkinliğini yükseltmek amacıyla parmaklaı'ın batörmiline lu,lisel biçimde dizi/me.>i sağlanmıştır. Bütün denemelerde baförile kontrbatar arasındaki uzaklık aynı tutulmuş, parmak sayısı ve parmaklarmbatöl' miline diziliş sıra sayısı değiştirilmemişıir. Diğer tiimatkenll'ri sabit tutmak için denemelerde, yalmz harmanlama ünitesibultmal1 bir sapdi5ğer harman makinası kullanılmış!lf.Denemeler sonunda her batör prototipi için harmanlanmaJ111-Ş tanearanı, harmanlama verimi, kınk tane Dram, ortalama moment ve güçdeğerleri ile ozgül enerji tüketimleri saptanmış ve istatistiki analizleryapılrtf!ştır.SUMMARYA Research on the Domestie Threshers for Improvement Possibilities of Drum ConstructionDomestk thresher is öne of themoSt important machine of agriculturaımechanization in Turkey. The improvementpossibilities of thei[ drum construction·is the main aiın of this research'work. For thispurpose, drumswith one orginal type and three newdesign types teeth were chosen as themate"ıia!. Broken damage, drum loss,average torque, average power requirement;and spesific energy consiırnptionof these toothed drums have beel1deterınined ıııid m~iisurcd, and com pared\vith cach· other. Yayla 305 whcatand Lancer wheat varielies have bccnthres.hed in the experiments..Resull ohtained can be summarizedas foll.ows:f, Htoken grain occurred i ,80 ~~,~ for. origina! toothed drum, J ,74~·~) forA type toothed drum, 0,93 ~~~ forB type toothed drum, and 0.06 ~'~for C type tonthed drum at the allexperiments with three drum periphcralspeeds, three rates of fecdand two varieties· of wheat.2., Drum loos occurred 3.79 ~/;. fororiginal toolhed drum, 3.33 ~~:~ for.A type toothed drum, 3. 13 '/.; fol'B type toothed drum; and LOI ~ofor C type' toothed drum at the anexperiments with three drum peripheralspeeds, threerates of feed andtwo varieties of wheat.3: The average torque results of C typetoothed drum was obtained less lhanorigina! typl':' toothcd d,rum and Atype toothed drum.4. Average power rcquirer)ıent çletermined2.3'1 'kW for. origin:ıl toothoddrum. 2.16 kW for A typo ·toothcddrum, 1,98 kW for B type tootheddrum, and L. 76 kW fal'. C typc .toothecldru III at the all experimcn tswith three drum peripheral spcods,three rate:' of feed and t\YO varietiesof wheaL5. Specific energy consumption OCCUTred1.50 kWh/Mg for original tootheddrum, 1.43 kWh/Mg for A ıypetoothed drum, 1.29 kWh/Mg for Btype toothed drum, and 1.18 kWh/. Mg for C type toothed drum at theall experimcnts with three drumper!phera! speeds, three rates of feeriand two varieties of wheat:Ac.cording to the results of thisreseaıch the savings of C type tootheddrum 96. 67 ~~, 73,75 % and 21.33 ~,{,for hro.ken damage, drum loss and specificcnergy comıııııptian rt'spectively.
Anahtar Kelimeler:


Atatürk Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi-Cover
  • ISSN: 1300-9036
  • Yayın Aralığı: Yılda 3 Sayı
  • Yayıncı: AVES Yayıncılık