Orta Anadolu bölgesinde yer alan araştırma konusu Ulaş D. O.Çiftliği arazisi, bazı senelerin kritik periyot/arında-rüzgar erozyonundangeniş çapta zarar görmektedir. Bunun başlıca sebebi, çiftlikte, arazive toprak özellikleri dikkate alınmadan yapılan ziraat şekline at/edilebilir.Çiftliğin şimdiki durumda rüzgar erozyonu yönünden planlanmasıda yapılmamı,ştır. Tehlikenin belirmesi üzerine son zamanlardabazı parsellere toprağı korumak için çok yıllık yem bitkileri ekilmiş,faka~ bazı parsellerde ise bunun aksine tamamen erozyonu hızlandırıcıtedbirler alınmı,ştır. Örneğin, çiftliğin güney-batısında uzanan parsellerdeşeritler hakim rüzgar yönüne dik yapılacak yerde, bilfıkis paralel olaraktanzim edilmiştir. Bu durum ise, o sahada rüzgar erozyonu olayınınhızlanmasına resile olmuştur. Işte bu çalışmada -önemli olması dolayısiyle-söz konı{Su çiftlik arazisinin rüzgarerozyonu yönünden planlanmasıyapılmış ve böylece her parselde erozyonu kontrol altma almakiçin uygun bir rotasyon dahilinde ürün şeritleri tanzim edilerek planlamaharitasında gösterilmiştir. Bu plan ve tavsiyelere önem verildiği ve uygulandığıtakdirde, çiftlik arazisinde erozyon, dolayısiyle toprak kayıplarıönlenecek ve dengeli bir şekilde ürün elde edilmiş olacaktır.The Planning of The Land of U/aşState Farm In Terms of Wind Erosion1. This investigation has been doneto find out the planning of the land ofUlaş State Farm in terms of wind erosion.This study has much importancefrom the conservatin point of Vİew infarın planning and soil managementwhich will appJy on the farın in thefutUle.2. The farm area investigated,which is about 18,062 acres and 4,617ft. high from the sea level, has been92situated on a large area that is about20 miles far from the province of Si yasin the South.3- The investigated area Iocatedin the Central Anatolia has semihumidclimate conditions. Some importantclimatic characteristics are as fol1ows:AnnuaI mean temperature ; 47.3°FAnnual mean precipitation : 17.4 İn.Annual mean evaporation' : 42.8 İn.Number of annual mean drafts : 5.2.Annual ~axjmum speed ofwind: 28.2m./sn.~n the investİgated area, the directionof the wind is southeasterly inApril and May.4. In the area İnvestigated,there are'mainly three geologic formations inrelatio!! to the second, third and fourthgeologic ages. The formations ofthe second age coprise of light grey calcerousmaterials, such as marls andsome green series. The formatİons ofthe third age consist of the fossiliferouslayers which are formed from maJls;'conglomerates an sandstones. The formationsof the fourth geologic age con-, sist of new alluvium (deposite materialsas sand, gravel and clay) which forın~a large level area in the East of Ulaş.5. The soils of the area investigatedare generally fine in texture. Accor~ding to the dı y- size distribution withRotary sieve developed by 'Ch~pil;the amound of aggregates less than 840microns, the aggregates greater than840 microns, the aggregates less than420 microns, the aggregates greater than420 microns, the values of mechanicalstability, the indexes of stability, thevalues of eqivalent diaTIleter and soil,losses by wind have been determined.4.7-38.5 %61.5-95. 3 %, 1.9-26. 2 %,73.8 - 98.1 %, 82.43 - 99.02 %, 1.053. 1.377, 0.34 - 0.46 mm., 0.241 - 5.684pound/acre, respectively.· The amountof water stable aggregates smailer than20 microns is 24.77 to 87. 65 % andparticles that are smaller than 20microns and dispersable in water are4.44 to 26. 22 % . On the other hand,these soils contain 2.1 i to 34.15 %1ime and 1.65 to 3.15 %organic matter.6. According to the records keptin' 1965, the aJeas allocated for fields,range and hilly lands, grass1and,poplar grove and' horticultural landwere 64.7, 29.2, 2.0, 1.2 and 0.2 %,respectively. Much of the fields (61.4 %)were under irrigation.7. Activities ofthe farnı are grouppedinto (i) cultivation, (2) animalhusbandry (3) horticu1ture, (4) machineryand (5) agricu1tural technology.Land allocated forWehat (Tritium Spp) CultivationBaT ley (Hordeum Spp.) "Oat (Avena Spp.) "Com (Zea Mays Spp.)Medicago Spp.)Sainfoin (Onobrychi~ Spp.) "Cıested wheatgrass (Agropyron)Cristatum) CultivationTall wheatgrass (Agropyronelangatum) "Crested winıeatgrass (Agropyronintermedium) "Burnet (Sanguisorba Spp.) "Artificial rangvNatural grass.Poplar gıove (populus Spp.)Natural range and hillylandFallowLakeRoads and brooks. 8. According to the early records.of the farnı, it has come to the daylightthat an important portion of the areais affected by the serious wind erosion.9. Only the removal phase' of thewind erosion was confirmed in the investigatedarea. Slight and medium e':rosion sights covers 56.8 and 43.2 %of the total area, respectively.10. In terıns of water erosion, thesites are exposed to slight, medium andsevere phases of the erosion consist of26.2, 39.7 and 34.1 percent of thewhole area, respectively. "Besides, it has been observed thatthe Karaça.yır brook passing throughthe farınland couses side coerosions. Bythis process, fertilite field soils, startingfrom subsoil horizons, are removed.1I. As it will also be seen from themap, the land- use programıne appliedtowards the and of this work was:Percentage Of thıe total aıea oceupied, % i0. Natural erodibilit)' values (FX)utilized for determining the strip widhtsin the areas subjected to the wind er0sion,as calculated by an empiricalformula, vary greatly betweeo 2436.059456.18 lb.facre. Necessary data forthe above-mentioned empirical formulaare the "F" values which varydepending upon the soil texture, equivalentvalues of the field ridge roughnessand the amount of stubble mulchon the field surface. For this particulararea equivalent values of the field ridgeroughness and the amount of stubblemulch on the field surface were foundto be 3.93 - 5.15 in. and 446.00-553.04lb./acre, respectively.13. Based on the calculated 'OFX"values (the natural erodibility values)for the area, the strip-widths were foundto vary between 336.8 - 778.3 feet. Since,it would have been unpractical in fieldconditions to apply various strip widths,the mean stripwidth (523,3 ft) has beenaccepted suitable for the whole area.Taking alsa the width of the sowingmachine into consideration, the stripshave been arranged perpendicularly tothe directian of the prevailing wind,as shown on the planning map, on ofthe following rotation system have beenrecommended for the strips.Recommended, Rotation Systems;Onabriches -wheat - fallowMixed forage plant - wheat - fallowOnabriches - barley - fallaw.In addition to these rotation systemıl,suitability in same, areas of growingalfalfa, com, froit trees and poplaris alsa suggested. For anabrichesand mixed forage crops in the rotationsytems, is to be cut each year with in94the fo ur-year period, they will fonn apermanent cover on the soil surfaceand as a result; removal by the windof soil partides is to be prevented. Mterfour years in the follow system wheator barleyand them faiI6w will replacethe strips of anabriches and mixedforage crops. In the planning map thestrips are marked with various codesand drawings.14. Either the results of this workor the ones carried out before haveshown that the farm soils are quiteresistant to the blowing eITect of thewind. However, a considerable part ofthe fann soils are badly affected bythe wind erosion, due to the applicationof unsuitable or wrong cultural practicesfollowed. it is even more ,alarmingthat in the places where excessiveerosian damages can dearly be seen,strip cropping systems have been prac-.ticed. The above-mentioned culturalpractices which based on no scientificknowledge and planning have. Reriderederosion rather than slowing down orpreventing it. One of the many examplesof the wrong cultural practices appliedis that of arranging the strips parallel tothe direction of the prevailing wind.On the other hand, areas to the SouthEastof the farm was planted uniformlywith mixed forage' crops, in order toprevent erosion, have given satisfactoryresults. it is the author's opinionthat even in these areaf; a suitable ro·tatian system containing the same cropswill be more profitable.15. it is beleived that the windstrips will alsa prevent the water erosionto a certain degree in the highlyinclineted fields that water erosianappears to be a serious problem. Inthese fjelds possible runoff from h.ighlandsmust be diverted by adiversionterrace befüre runoff enterS the fieldTo pr~\lent the corrosion caused by theKaraçayır Brook, a newand suitablebrook bed must be chosen, slopes ofthe banks, must be given a mild inclination(I :2) and the slopes be plantedwith poplar and willow trees; furthermore,if necessary concrete supportingwalles must be buiIt in some p1aces.16. Areas allocated for pasture andgrassland which comprises a considerableportion of the farm land showa hilly appearence in general. The guliesmust be amended. Improvementof the pasture and controlled pasturegrazing must be established. Steep slopesmust be terraced in order to returnthe natural balance of the land. Thiscan only be established by a suitab1epasture amelioration.17. Briefly, it can be conc1uded thatif the soil conservation plan outlinedhere, is practiced, the soils of the UlaşState farm can be used without beingsubjected to the erosion and as a resultfertility of the soils will be increasedor at least be maintained.
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