ÖZETMuhtelif gübre kombinasyonları ile ekim aralık ve mesafelerinin,ayçiçeğinin (H. annuus) verimi ve bazı karakterleri üzerindeki etkileriniaraştırmak üzere, 1964-1965 yıllarında, Atatürk Oniversİtesi ZiraatFakültes, Zİrai Araştırma Enstitüsü arazisinde denemeler kurulmuştur.1964 yılında sulamanın aksaması sebebiyle, iki yıllık ortalamalaragejre, gübrelemenin verim ve muhtelif karakterler üzerindeki tesirleriistatistikselolarak ortaya konamamış, sadece azot gübrelemesinin,danenin yağ oranına menfi tesiri olduğu tesbit edilmiştir.Ekim aralık ve mesafelerinin, bitki boyu, yaprak adedi ve danenin-. ')~anı üzerinde önemli bir etkisi görülmemiştir. Buna mukabil,ortalamu- 14:LO. kalınlığı, sap ağırlığı, tabla çapı, tablanın dane tutmaoranı, tabla başıncı, düsen ortalama dane sayısı, danenin iç oram ve tablabaşma dane verimi gibı münferit bitkilerden elde edilen değerler üzerinde,ekim aralık ve mesafelerfifrn---<inemli etkileri tesbit edilmiştir. Gereksıra arası ve gerekse sıra üzeri ekİm rnes:afeleri genişledikçe, yukardaverilen münferit değerler de buna paralelolarak, önemli bir şekildeartmıştır.SUMMARYEFFECT OF WITHIN-AND BETWEEN-ROW SPACINGS ON THEYIELD AND SOME AGRONOMIC CHARACTERS OF SUNFLOWER(H. annuus) UNDER THE ECOLOGICAL CONDITIONS OF ERZURUMExperiments were conducted İn1964 and 1965 to study the effects ofdifferent fertilizer combinations withdifferent between - andwithin-rowspacings on the yield and some charactersof sunflowers (H. annuus).Experimenta! fields are within theirrigation area of number 4 well atthe Agricu1tural Experiment Station,Atatürk University in the West ofErzurum, Turkey. The a1titude of thisarea is 1900 m. on the average, andthe soil is silty and silty-Ioam. Basically,it has an alluvia1 character.The sunflower variety, Yeşilköy416 (V. 1646), was used in theexperiments.The experiments were conductedin split-plot desing with four replications.The eighteen fertilizer combinationswere applied to the main plotsand the four spacing combinations(2 between-and 2 witlıin-row spacings)to the sub-plots within each main plot,randomly.Because of the interruption occuredin the irrigation system in 1964,according to two-year averages, fertilizereffects on yield and diffierent charactersof sunflower couId not be shown, butonly the negative effect of N fertilizationcould be determined, statistically.No significant effect of spacingtreatments was seen on plant hight,number of leaves, and oH percentageof the seed. But, statistical1y significanteffects of between-and withinrowspacing treatments were determined,on the individual plant measurementssuch as average stem diameter,stem weight, head diameter, fertilitypereentage of a head, average numberof seeds per head, kernel pereentageof seeds, and seed yield per head.Thus, the highest values in the individualmeasurements mentioned abovewere obtained from 60x40 Cm. plantings,and the lowest ones from 50x30 cm.plantings. The values obtained from50x40 cm. and 60x30 cm. plantingstook a place between them.No significant effect of spacingtreatments was observed on the seedyield per decar, according to the statisticalanalyses based on the real seed yieldper plot. However, it was determinedthat the narrow plantings (50x30 cm.;50x40 cm.) gaye more seed yield thanwider plantings (60x30cm.; 60x40 cm.)according to the calculations made bytaking bird and stand losses intoconsideration (because theyare moreharmful to experimental plots ascompared to field plantings).
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