ÖZETErzurum Ekolojik şartlarında dikim ve tepe alma zamanmm patatesteverime ve diğer bazı agronomik karekterlere etkisini tesbitetmek için bu çalışma yapılmış, erkenci ve geç olgunlaşan 34/962 ve49/962 çeşitler bu denemeye alınmıştır. Neticede, en fazıa verim enerken dikim zamanı olarak tayin ediıen 13 Mayıs tarihinde a.ltlnmış,tepe aımanm· veya sürgün öıdürmenin önemli etkisi görülmemiştir.SUMMARYPotato yield, the average size,the number and the largest ıuber inthe hi/s as effected by date of plantingand vine kil/ing.In 1969-1970 the effeet on potatayield, average size of tuber, numberof tubers per hill and the largest tuberin the hills due to the date of plantingand vİne killing has been investigatedunder Erzurum ecologecal eonditionThe experiments were located nearnumber fOUf well at Atatürk Universityarea. Four different date of plantingtreatments of May 13, 28 and June13, 28 were conducted and two potatavarieties, the earliest being 34{962and the latest 49{962 used in fourreplieated spht plot desing.Tlıe vines were killed on the 13th28th of May and 13 th and 28th ofjune. One parsel was used as a controlThe results of this experiment aregiven below.1- The higest yield was obtainedfrom the earliest date of planting inboth of varİeties. The yie1d was icnereased215 percent in the early planting ofearly varietyand 114 percent of Iatevariety.2- The number of tubers in perhil been affeeted by the date of plantlg.The number of tubers of bothvariety where plantea earlier, were usuallygreater than that of Iate planting.The percentage of inerease was62.7 in the earlyone and 33.2 in theIate variety.353- Average weight of one tuber wasolso heiger the early planting thanlhat of Iate planting.4- Time of vine kiııing has notany signİficant effect on the features ofpotato tubers
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