ÖZETDoğu Anadolu'da ayrı bir iklim karakieri gös,teren ErzincanOv~ında tarımsal gelirin önemli bir kısmı, bölgede yapılanmeyvacılık ve bağcılıktan sağlanmaktadır.Ancak, üzüm ye"tiştiriciliğinde teknik bilgi noksanlığı sebebiyle beklenen verimelde edilememektedir.Bu çalışmada; Doğu Anadolunun müstesna' bir iklim adasınıteşkil eden Erzincan merkez ilçe'sindeki bağcılığın geliş..tirilmesine ve verimliliği üstün bir ,düzeye ulaştırmada, önemliüzüm çeşitlerinin tomurcuk yapılarını ve döllenme biyolojileriniinceliyerek, bağcılık yönünden yapılacak teknik ve kültürelçalışmalarına ışık tutmak gayesini gütmüştür.SUMMARYThe researoh was carried outin 1972-1973 lin Hasbahçe vineyardof Bayırdağ Village / Üzümlü of thecentral Town which shows atypical olimatic region for Yinegrowing iliM is oomparably differantelimate in East AnataHa. ThefalIow!hg result\ :Were obtainedfrom the investigations on thevaJ1isties werked on viz. Karaerik,Ağrazakr, Kabuğuyufka, Kirlişerfeand Hacıtesbihi.A. The Horal development oftıhe primer buds of the investigatedvarieties were found in ninephases. Tıhe fallowing differantionswere recorded:1 - The first initiation startsfrom Mıe .basal eyes and advancestoupper eyes.192 - Before the morphologicalintitiation 4-6 leaf primordiumappear in the buds..3 - The time for morphologicalİntitiation of the varieties..taken under investigations are25th. June rol'. Karaerik, Kıirlişerfeand Hacıtesbihi, 28th. June forKabuğuyufka and 3rd. July forAğrazakı.4 - Themorphologtsal initia·Non happens during the biossim·ing in the vİnes.5 - Thefirst bracte deve1op~ment 'Was found 7-12 days afterthe morphologıicalinitiation.6 - The second dusterprimordiumappears in the .btids 715days after the 4evelopment ofthe fkst duster.7 - The ıbuds of Karaerik,Ağrazakı and Kabuğuyufka beginthe winter doıımancy at the endof the tıhird phase, wthLle ıin Haeıtesbiihiand K-irlişerfe i~ is at thefirst begining of the fourth phase:8 - In the winter domaneyperiod even a slow activity wasreeorded in the buds, such as theformatian of flower primordiumsand the branehing in the elusterprimordiunıs.9 - l1he breaking of the Mnter-darınaney begins three' weeksbefore the, bud burst.10 - The eompletedifferanHatlonof tılıe dusters and thereaehness to the sexsue1 maturit)rof the flowers happen in thesecond year 40-50 daysa'fter thesprouting.- 11 - The forst f10wer pdmordiumswas recorded in Kirlişerfeand Hacıtesbihi befol'e thebuds begin 1he winter domaneyand in Karaerik, Ağrazakı and Kabuğuyufkait was found whenthe buds ıbreak the 'winter darmaney.'Fhese dates for Kirlişerfe,HaeıtesbJhi, Karaeri~, f\ğrazakıand Kabuğuyufka are '4th.Septemıber, 28th. August 6fih. April, AprH and 29th Marchrespectively.12 - The eomplete ,developmentphases of the sepa!, petal,starnenand the pistill fallows thesame order.13 - The completedevelopmentdate of the sepal and thepetal is lIst. May for all fivevadeties.14 - The exact developmentof the stamen and pistil happensin 'the' Stn. of J une.B. The fallowing resultswere -obtained from the investigationsof the fruit f:ullness ofthe primer buds depending upantheir lacaHons in ·the varistiestaken under investigations.1 - The ratio of the sproutingbuds at the basal.portion of,the canes is -1ower than the apicalbunds.2 - In the canes pnıned onfive buds are maximum .froitfulln;ess .is recorded on the thirdbuds of Karaerik and Kirlişerfeon the fourf buds of Ağrazakı, onthe and third b~ds of Kabuğuyufkaand on the fifth buds ofHacıt~&bihİ.C. The realized fruitfullnesspotenHal in the varieties could bestatistical1y,approved from thefrultfullness potential estiinatioosdone in Autumn and Sprıing.D. The works aıbout thepollination biology of the vari~tiestaken under İnvestigations:1 ..-.- At the same year -in theblossomd1lJg time 5-9 days. differancewere recorded in. the varietiesfrom the same region. Sothat no problem was seen to preventcross pollinatian of the vıarie·ties in their flowering time.2 - Dnder Erzincan conditions1:he volour changing of is 25th. af Augustthe rİpeıııİng (for eating) of thegrapes is on' ı ıst. of September.Accoııding to .the date of thecolour changing of the grapes,Kir1işerfe and Hacıtesbihi coıildbe classified as earlyand KaraeTik,Ağrazakı, Kabuğuyufka . asIate vadeties.3 - The pbllens were gennin- ~ated in % ıd, 15, 20, 25. sugaroonoentratİons ans differenceswere· found 'between their genninatianpercentages. lt was recerdedthat the ,pollens from the flowflower·s of KirIrşeııfe and Hacıtesbİni varie.ties 'were not germin3tedin any one of the sugar OOncentrations.4 - In hemıapheodite v,arieties(Karaerik, Ağrazakı, Kabuğuyufka)there found to be statisticaldfufferences lin germlnationratios in different sugar ooncentra1İons.The best germination inKaraerik was at % 25 :sugar concentratian(% 42,5) in Ağrazakıand Kaıbuguyufka was at % 20sugar concentration (% 50.0).were record:ed.5 - In hermapheodite varieHes(Kıaraerik,~ Ağraza~ı, ~abuığuyufka) a good fer.tilization wasrecorded selfing, so it wasfaund ,that for these varietis noextra pollinaıtion -is necessary.6 -'In cross br~dirı,g works,the best male variety for morphoIogioaIhemıaphecdite and physo10gicaIfemale varieties. are Karaerikfor Kirlİşerfe and Ağrazakıfor Hacıtesbihi.7 - 1:t was fourd that Karaerik,Ağrazakı, Kirlişerfe andHacıtesbihi grape varietes areincline for partenoçarpy.8 - The varieties .that weworked on showed ıdifferenceabout the shedding of nowers andsman berrles. AmOlig them onlyin Kabuğuyufka v.arietytlheflower shedding was max~mumwdth % 77.9 - Seedindex compatasionwas dohe between the varietiesand in Hiacıtesbihi aBd Kabuğuyufkaıseed index Was föuİın at60 ratio. These two varieties couIdbe used at breeding material forobtaining biger berry crossbredsHowever as Hacıtesbihi do notneed castratian in crossbreedingno a female variety (Morphologicalhermaphoodite, physologicalfemale) in practire they haveimportance from t'he point ofbreeding works.
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