Kur’an’daki İfadelerin Yapısal Özelliklerinin Sağladığı Mana Derinlikleri

Araştırmacı bir gözle bakıldığında görülen o ki Kur’an-ı Kerim, kelimelerin

Depth of Meaning in Structural Features of the Qur'an Expressions

When looked at by an eye of researcher, it is seen that The Quran usesstructural features of the words extremely careful and goal-oriented way. Thelinguistic niceties such the words take forward, leaving after, using the singularor p lural, u sing t he w ords e specially b y c hoosing t o u se t he o ne o f k nownsynonyms, are manifestations of the pursuit of such an aim. Here, when theactual text of the Qur'an which is almost built with linguistic subtleties of thiskind, can transfer to another language, It can be ignored some of the extremelyimportant l iterary f eatures a nd can b e l ost s ight of. T his issue s hould n ot b eignored and and carry out this complementary studies is a requirement. Thiswork is followed by such a goal.


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