Sivas Ziya Bey Yazma Eserler Kütüphanesindeki Tefsirle İlgili Yazmalar Üzerine Bir İnceleme

Sivas Ziya Bey Yazma Eserler Kütüphanesi’nde birçok matbu ve mahtut eser bulunmaktadır. 20. asrın başında kütüphaneyi kuran Yusuf Ziyaettin Efendi Râhatoğulları ailesindendir. Aile 13. asırdan itibaren Sivas’ın ilmi altyapısında söz sahibidir. Aynı yolu takip eden Yusuf Ziya Bey, hem bağış hem de satın alma yoluyla matbu, mahtut, süreli ya da yabancı dillerde 3000’den fazla eseri burada toplamıştır. Cumhuriyet dönemi aydın ve siyasetçi kimliği ile meşhur olan Ziya Bey vefatına kadar bu kütüphane ile yakından ilgilenmiştir. Onun 1943’te vefatının ardından varisleri aynı hizmeti devam ettirmişlerdir. Kütüphane 1978 yılında Kültür Bakanlığı’na devredilmiştir. Günümüzde kütüphanede var olan 18000’den fazla eser içinde 2200 kadarı el yazmasıdır. Burada İslami ilimlerin hemen her alanına dair yazma eserlere rastlamak mümkündür. Kütüphanede Kur’an-ı Kerim’i açıklamak için yazılan Tefsir türünde 99 adet yazma yer almaktadır. Bu yazmaların çoğu Arapça, diğerleri de Osmanlı Türkçesi ve Farsça dillerindedir. Kur’an-ı Kerim’in tamamını tefsir eden eserlerin yazma nüshaları yanında, bu tefsirler üzerine yapılan şerhler, cüz, sûre, ayet tefsirleri ve tefsir konulu risaleler de vardır. Burada bu eserler incelenecektir. 

A Study on Tafsir Manuscripts in Sivas Ziya Bey Manuscripts Library

Sivas, one of the most rooted cities of Anatolia, is home to many madrasahs, one of the oldest works of Anatolian Turkish-Islamic civilization. An important scientific accumulation has been formed by those madrasahs. Libraries established within them gathered works belonging to different science branches. Independent libraries established over time have enabled the handwritten books in Sivas and its vicinity to be passed on to the next generations. Ziya Bey Manuscript Library is important in that it is one of the rare buildings established as an independent library.There are many published and manuscript books at the Sivas Ziya Bey Manuscripts Library. Yusuf Ziyaettin Efendi who founded the library at the beginning of the 20th century is a member of the Râhatoğulları Family having a significant influence on the intellectual environment in the City of Sivas since the 13th century. Ziya Bey who continues his family tradition collected more than 3000 books in published, manuscript, periodical, and foreign language by donation and purchasing at the library. Ziya Bey who is known as one of the intellectuals and politicians of The Republican Period has closely interested in the Library’s routines until his death in 1943. After him, his family members also continue the tradition in question. In 1978, the management of the library was taken over by The Ministry of Culture of The Turkish Republic. Today there are more than 18000 books in the library, of which 2200 are manuscripts. The library includes manuscripts on almost every field of Islamic disciplines. There are 99 tafsir manuscripts written to comment The Quran. They are mostly in Arabic, partly Ottoman Turkish and Persian languages. There are many manuscripts commenting the entire Quran and also are commentaries written on these tafsirs, juz, surah, verse commentaries and booklets on tafsir. In this research, the mentioned papers will be examined.Manuscripts were first grouped in terms of language. Copies written in Arabic, Ottoman Turkish and Persian languages are discussed under separate titles. Since the Arabic works constitute the majorıty, they are divided into subtitles. The titles were created according to the context of the tafsir manuscripts. Priority has been given to the works written for the purpose of interpreting the entire Quran. Later, the works written on a certain part of the Quran were included under separate titles. The final title of the Arabic works is about the works that are indirectly related to the tafsir. Since the Ottoman and Persian works are relatively few in number, subheadings are not separated. Catalog data is taken as a basis for our analysis. The manuscripts and their characteristics are presented in tables which includes the findings of the manuscripts as well as the information obtained about the work and author.There are important manuscripts in Ziya Bey library. As of the date of writing about tafsir, there are some very old works along with the works belonging to the recent period. This situation offers researchers a broad historical perspective. The existence of tafsir writings belonging to different styles indicates the diversity in terms of thought. The abundance of sharh and hashiya-type works written to eliminate the obscurity in tafsirs also draws attention. Thus, it can be said that there is an important tafsir culture in Sivas. Looking at the narrower tafsirs and other manuscripts on tafsir, it is seen that the tafsir culture has spread to the public. Manuscripts in the form of verse tafsir or compilation indicate that scholars are not indifferent to discussions in society. Among the tafsir manuscripts in the Ziya Bey library, the obvious superiority of the el-Beydavi commentary can be clearly seen. The works that explain this interpretation are also numerous. The incompleteness of most of the bound works can be seen as an important shortcoming. Errors detected in the catalog data or in the manuscript are given in the explanations section.Ziya Bey Manuscript Library hosts many manuscripts in Sivas. There are 99 manuscripts about tafsir. Most of them are missing in terms of content. The characteristics of the works point to the tafsir culture in the region. It has been observed that the manuscripts here are not often applied and studied in academic studies. More detailed studies should be done on both catalog data and the contents of the works.


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