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  • ACKOFF, R.L. (1958), «Toward a behavioral theory of cummunication», l\ılanagement Science, vol. 4, pp. 218 - 34.
  • ACKOFF, R.L. (1961) «The meaning, scope, and methods of operations research», Progress in Operations Research, vol. 1, Wiley.
  • BAVELAS, A., (1950) «Communication patterns in task-oriented groups», Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, vol. 22, pp. 725-30.
  • BUSH, R. R., MOSTELLER, F., and THOl\ı1PS0N, G.L. (1954), «A formal structure for multiple-choice situations», in R. M. Thrall, C.H. Coombs and R.L. Davis (eds.), Decision Processes, Wiley.
  • AMPBELL, N.R. (1957, Foundations of Science, Dover Publications, (For­merly titled Physics the Elements).
  • CHERRY, C. (1957), On Human Communication, M.I.T. Press.
  • CLARK, D.F., and ACKOFF, R.L. (1959), «A report on some organizational experiments», Operations Research, vol. 7, pp. 279-93
  • CHURCMAN, C.W., and ACKOFF, R.L. (1947), Psychologistics, University of Pennsyluania Research Fund (mimeographed).
  • CHURCMAN, C.W., and RATOOSH, P. (1959), Measurement : Definitions and Theories, Wiley.
  • COOMBS, C.H., RAIFFA, H., and THRALL, R.M. (1954), in R.M. Thrall, C.H. Coombs and R.L. Davis (eds.), Decision Processes, Wiley.
  • FLOOD, M.M. (1954) «Game-learning theory and some decision-making experiments», in R.M. Thrall, C.H. Coombs and R.L. Davis (eds.), Decision Processes, Wiley.
  • GUETZKOW, H. (1957), «The development of organizations in a labora­tory», Management Science, vol. 3, pp. 380-402.
  • HAIRE, M. (1959), «Psychology and the study of business: joint beha­vioral sciences», in R.A. Dahi, M. Haire and P.F. Lazarsfeld (eds.), Social Science Research on Bus­ness: Product and Potential, Columbia University Press.
  • RUDNER, R.S., and WOLFSON, R.J. (1958), Notes on a Constructional Framefork for a Theory of Organizational Decision Making, Working Paper no. 3, Management Science Nucleus, lnstitute of lndustrial Relations, University of California.
  • SHANNON, C.E., and WEAVER, W. (1949), The Mathematical Theory of Communication, University of lllinois Press.
  • STEVENS, S.S. (1951), «Mathematics, measurements, and psychophysics», Handbook of Experimental Psychology, Wiley.
  • THOMAS, C.J., and DEEMER, W.L. (1957), «The role of operational gaming in operations research», Operations Research, vol. 5. pp. 1-27.