Astımlı hastalarda mevsimsel duygudurum değişikliği, genelleşmiş ve obsesif anksiyetenin incelenmesi

Amaç: Astımlı hastalardakı mevsimsel duygudurum değişikliği, genelleşmiş ve obsesif anksiyete düzeylerini belirlemeyi amaçladık, yöntem: Çalışma Dicle Üniversitesi Hastanesi Göğüs Hastalıkları Bölümü'nde gerçekleştirildi. Çalışma grubu astımlı 50 erişkin hastadan, kontrol grubu ise kronik hastalığı ve şiddetli akut yakınması olmayan 50 erişkin kişiden oluştu. Katılımcılara Kişisel Bilgi Formu, Mevsimsel Gidiş Değerlendirme Formu (M6DF), Sürekli Kaygı Envanteri (SKE) ve Maudsley Obsesif Kompulsif Soru Listesi (MOKSL) uygulandı. Bulgular: Çalışma grubu 26 kadın, 24 erkek erişkinden oluştu. İki grup arasında MGOF"nün "mizaç" maddesi puanlarında fark saptandı (p-0.043). Nemli günler ve yüksek polenli günler hastaların günlük hayatında zorluk oluşturmaktaydı (sırasıyla p-0.007, p-0.028). SKE puan ortalaması çalışma grubunda daha yüksekti (p=0.038). MOKSL'nin alt ölçeklerinden sadece ruminasyon alt ölçeğinde istatistiksel farklılık saptandı (p=0.002). Mevsimsellik toplam puanı ve mizaç alt maddesi (p

Assessment of seasonal mood alteration, generalized and obsessive anxiety in asthmatic patients

Objective: We aimed to determine the levels of seasonal mood alterations, generalized and obsessive anxiety in asthmatic patients. Methods: This study was done in the Department of Chest Disease of Dicle University Hospital. Study group consisted of 50 consecutive adult asthmatic patients, and Control group included randomly selected 50 adult persons who had no chronic disease and severe acute complaints. Personal Information Form, Seasonal Pattern Assessment Questionnaire (SPAQ), Trait Anxiety Inventory (TAI) and Maudsley Obsessive Compulsive Questionnaire (MOCQ) were applied to the participants. Results: Study group was consisted of 26 women and 24 men. Significant difference was found between two groups, in the score of mood item of the SPAQ (p=0.043). Days with moisture and days with higher pollen gave burden to daily life of patients (respectively p-0.007, p=0.028). The mean score of TAI was higher in the study group (p=0.038). Amongst all subscales of MOCQ, difference was found only in the rumination subscale (p=0.002). Positive correlations were, found between total point of seasonal/ty and mood subscale (p<0.001) and between total point of seasonality and TAI (p-0.005). In the study group, there was a positive correlation between scores of rumination sub-scale and TAI (p<0.001), mood (p=0.012), discomfort of high pollen-days (p=0.034), and total score of seasonality (p<0.00i). Additionally, "the best feeling" was found more frequent in the summer months for the study group and in the spring months for the control group. "The worst feeling" was ,notified more frequently in the spring, fall and winter in the study group. Conclusions: Days with moist and nigher pollen creates noticeable trouble in the patients. Patients had more trouble in winter and spring months, however control subjects had more distress in dry and hot summer months. Asthmatic patients have more anxiety than control group, and Their anxiety shows generalized and ruminative features. Also, ruminative anxiety generally related to high pollen days and mood worsening.


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