Research to Determine the Potential Use of Humanoid (Anthropomorphic) Robots in Accommodation Facilities
Research to Determine the Potential Use of Humanoid (Anthropomorphic) Robots in Accommodation Facilities
Study participants evaluated the use of robots in general, and specifically the use of humanoid robots for 36 different job positions in accommodation establishments in Turkey. This exploratory study aimed to determine the positions in which it will be easier to adopt the use of robots in accommodation businesses. It also examined the role of the participant's gender and age regarding the potential use of robots. An online survey was used to collect data, and the data was obtained from 407 participants. Contrary to the theory of anthropomorphism, but consistent with the Uncanny Valley and social comparison theories, the results of the study showed that the participants were adamant that it was not appropriate to use robots for 25 of the job positions out of 36. Humanoid robots were considered appropriate for positions that provide cleaning services, perform takeaway and delivery services, or where customers do not interact one-on-one during their stay. It was concluded that young people evaluated the use of robots in the sector more positively than older people. Similarly, women tended to make more positive evaluations than men. The original value of this research is based on the lack of studies evaluating the potential of using robots for positions in accommodation establishments.
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