Korykion Antron ve Göztepesi: eski problemler, yeni bulgular, yeni çözüm önerileri

Türkçe Öz Yok

Korykion Antron and Göztepesi: old problems, new finds and new proposals

tThe Cennet and Cehennem, (Paradise and Hell) caves (ancient Korykion Antron), and also known as Corycian Cave, are located 20 km northeast of Silifke İlçesi, 2 km northwest of Narlikuyu and about 5 km southwest of Korykos; they were first discovered by P. de Tchichatcheff, a Russian naturalist, in 1852 and attracted the attention of academia. In 1890, Th. Bent explored the caves and the temple, 10 m south, which was converted to a church in Late Antiquity. He published his study in two articles, which contained contradictory information. In the article published in 1890, he stated that he identified, at "a temple located one mile north of the caves", two inscriptions regarding Zeus Korykios - one of which was a graffito on the temple wall and the other was on an altar - along with a list of the priests names lists on the northeast ante of the church's north wall at Korykion Antron. However, in his article of 1891, he stated that the two inscriptions and the priest name lists were found at different temples. In L. Hicks's article of 1891, based on the copies by Bent and presenting the epigraphic finds, it became clear that the name list and the inscriptions regarding Zeus Korykios were found at different sites. Bent suggested the names in the lists were "members of the Teukrids or the priest-kings of Olba" while E. L. Hicks thought they were "the people who contributed to the construction of the temple" and W. M. Ramsay thought they were "the people who donated money for the construction of the temple". On the other hand, R. Heberdey and A. Wilhelm, who explored the region in 1891 and 1892, proposed that these were the names of the priests of Zeus Korykios. In 1925, J. Keil and A. Wilhelm started historical geographic and epigraphic surveys in Rough Cilicia and made a drawing and a short description of the church at Korykion Antron. This was the most comprehensive work on the temple and church at Korykion Antron until the article published by O. Feld and H. Weber in 1967. G. Dagron and J. Marcillet-Jaubert published an inscription from the Silifke Museum in 1978. Engraved on a rectangular altar, the inscription dedicates the altar to Hermes Korykion. Dagron and Marcillet-Jaubert dated it to AD 209-211 when Caracalla and Geta ruled together. M. H. Sayar identified two altars dedicated to Zeus Kodopaios in the temple area at Göztepesi during his historical geography and epigraphic surveys in 1996. During her surveys at Göztepesi in 1990s, S. Durugönül identified a block broken into three pieces, turned upside down, and bearing letters and a thunderbolt. Another find regarding Zeus Kodopas was found by the author in 2007 at Çele Mevkii, about 3 km northwest of Korykion Antron. The two-line inscription is dedicated to Zeus Kodopas. The term Kodopaios found in the other two inscriptions from Göztepesi is the Hellenized form *of Kodopas, which is possibly a Luwian word used by the locals of Rough Cilicia into the Roman Imperial Period.The claim by Th. Bent that the church at Korykion Antron was built with stones taken •from "the temple [Göztepesi] above the caves" was welcomed by some other scholars later. İn order to explore the validity of this claim we carried out geological, petrographic, pale-ontological and archae-geophysical surveys in addition to architectural measurements in our 2009 campaign.1. Architectural MeasurementsVarious stone blocks in the extant west and north walls of the Göztepesi "temple" were measured and the results were compared with those in the north wall of the church at Korykion Antron. The comparisons clearly showed that the stone blocks used in both structures are of different dimensions. Stone blocks used in the "temple" at Göztepesi measure 47-56 cm high, 57-142 cm long and 46-62 cm thick while those in the north wall of the church at Korykion Antron are 35-79 cm high, 91-134 cm long and 72-78 cm thick. In other words, the Göztepesi blocks are thinner than those at Korykion Antron even when their rear sides are roughly worked only. Since chiselling will make the final product even smaller, it invalidates the claim by Bent.2. Geological, Petrographic, Paleontological and Archaeo-geophysical WorkGeological work started with site exploration of the ancient buildings at Korykion Antron and Göztepesi. Samples were taken from the rocks and the stone blocks of each building for petrographic and fossil content analyses. Thin sections prepared for petrographic analysis were studied under polarizing microscope and petrographic differences were noted. This analysis aimed at identifying any material transfers from earlier buildings to those under construction.Both macro and micro samples examined showed that petrographic and paleontological data obtained from AT 1 and AT 2 and those from ATT 1 and ATT 2 are in conformity with each other. Thus, the stone blocks used for the construction of the church at Korykion Antron were most probably hewn from the bedrock on which the temple rested here. Indeed, there is evidence for former quarries nearby.Both macro and micro scale examination at and around the "temple" site of Göztepesi showed this temple was built with stone quarried from nearby since clayey limestone, sampled from the temple walls, is found only as an intermediate layer in the rocks around the temple. However, the samples taken from the temple/church at Korykion Antron did not contain any clayey limestone. Thus, the lithology and petrographic fabric of both sites differ from each other, and additionally, lack of clayey limestone in the temple/church at Korykion Antron shows each structure was built with stones quarried from local rocks ground them. Both architectural measurements and analyses in petrography, geology and paleontology showed that the claim by Th. Bent, proposed 120 years ago and


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