İlköğretim 2. Kademe Öğrencilerinin Öğrenme Stillerinin Demografik Özellikleriyle İlişkisi

Bu araþtýrma, ilköðretim II. kademe (6. 7. ve 8. sýnýf) öðrencilerinin öðrenme sitillerinin demografik özellikleriyle iliþkisini belirlemek amacýyla yapýlmýþtýr. Araþtýrmaya 2005–2006 eðitim-öðretim yýlýnda Bolu Ýl Merkezinde bulunan 12 ilköðretim okulunda okuyan toplam 1498 (717 kýz, 781 erkek) öðrenci katýlmýþtýr. Araþtýrmada veri toplama aracý olarak 6 sorunun sorulduðu (Okul, Sýnýf, Cinsiyet, Annenin ve Babanýn eðitim durumu, Ailenin gelir düzeyi) kiþisel bilgi anketi ve öðrencilerin öðrenme stillerini belirlemek için Kolb’un (1985) geliþtirdiði “Öðrenme Stilleri Envanteri” kullanýlmýþtýr. Toplanan verilerin çözümlenmesinde, öðrenme stillerinin belirlenmesinde frekans (f) ve yüzde (%) daðýlýmlarý ve demografik özellikleriyle ilgili verilerin karþýlaþtýrýlmasý içinde Ki-Kare Testi kullanýlmýþtýr. Araþtýrmanýn sonucunda elde edilen bulgulara göre; araþtýrmaya katýlan ilköðretim II. kademedeki öðrencilerin %37,4’ünün deðiþtiren, %24’ünün özümseyen, %19,8’inin ayrýþtýran, %18,8’inin yerleþtiren öðrenme stiline sahip olduðu belirlenmiþtir. Çalýþmaya katýlan toplam öðrencilerin öðrenme stillerinin cinsiyetlerine ve sýnýf düzeylerine göre manidar düzeyde farklý olduðu belirlenmiþtir (p<0,05). Ayrýca, öðrencilerin öðrenme stillerinin annenin, babanýn eðitim durumlarýna ve ailenin gelir durumlarýna göre manidar düzeyde fark göstermediði belirlenmiþtir (p>0,05).


The aim of this study was to determine the relationship between the learning styles of secondary school students (6th.,7th and, 8th grades) and their demographic features. 1498 students (717 girls, 781 boys) from 12 secondary schools in Bolu in the 2005-2006 school year participated in this study. A“personal information inquiry” including 6 questions (name of the school, class, gender, education level of mother and father, income level) was applied in order to collect the demographic features of the students. In addition, “Learning Styles Inventory” developed by Kolb in 1985 was used to determine their learning styles. The students’learning styles prefences were analyzed through frequency (f) and percentages (%). Students’learning styles preference were compared with gender, class level, education level of mother and father, family income level by using Chi-square Test. According to the results of the study; it was found that 37.4% of the secondary school students participating in the study have diverger, 24% of them have assimilator, 19.8% converger and 18.8% accomodator learning styles. There was a significant difference between the students’ learning styles and their mothers’ and fathers’ level of education or the level of income level the family (p<0.05). There was also a significant difference between students’learning styles and class levels and gender (p>0.05).


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