The purpose of this study was (1) to find the influence of school culture on performance, (2) to find the effect of work motivation on teacher performance, (3) to analyze the influence of school culture and work motivation together on the performance of elementary school teachers in the Wonosalam District Wonosalam Regency. This study uses quantitative research methods with the type of ex-post-facto research. Data collection techniques using a questionnaire. The total population was 103 people and 82 elementary school teachers were taken as respondents spread over 10 elementary schools in the Teuku Umar Cluster, Wonosalam District, Demak Regency. The results of this study are: (1) There is an influence of school culture on teacher performance by 38,1%; (2) There is an effect of work motivation on teacher performance by 84,5%; (3) There is an influence of school culture and work motivation on teacher performance in the Wonosalam District Demak Regency by 85,3%. This shows that school culture and work motivation are very influential on teacher performance. However, work motivation has a greater influence on teacher performance than school culture.


The purpose of this study was (1) to find the influence of school culture on performance, (2) to find the effect of work motivation on teacher performance, (3) to analyze the influence of school culture and work motivation together on the performance of elementary school teachers in the Wonosalam District Wonosalam Regency. This study uses quantitative research methods with the type of ex-post-facto research. Data collection techniques using a questionnaire. The total population was 103 people and 82 elementary school teachers were taken as respondents spread over 10 elementary schools in the Teuku Umar Cluster, Wonosalam District, Demak Regency. The results of this study are: (1) There is an influence of school culture on teacher performance by 38,1%; (2) There is an effect of work motivation on teacher performance by 84,5%; (3) There is an influence of school culture and work motivation on teacher performance in the Wonosalam District Demak Regency by 85,3%. This shows that school culture and work motivation are very influential on teacher performance. However, work motivation has a greater influence on teacher performance than school culture.


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