Boğaziçi Asma Köprü Temel Etüdleri

İstanbul Boğazı üzerinde bir asma köprü inşası her devirde mühendisleri meşgul etmiş bir mevzudur. Fakat 1954 senesine kadar birçok ecnebi firmalar tarafından yapılan teklifler esaslı bir etüde dayanmıyordu. Bu tarihten sonra mevzu bir kere daha ele alındı ve preliminer etüdler, Karayolları tarafından bir Amerikan firmasına (De Lew and Cather) ihale edildi.
Anahtar Kelimeler:

Boğaziçi Asma Köprü

Investigation of the Foundations of the Bosphorus Suspension Bridge

The construction of a suspension bridge over the Bosphorus has intrigued many engineers over several decades. Before 1954 proposals made by foreign firms for a suspension bridge over the Bosphorus were not based on thorough investigation of the existing conditions. Since then the matter was tackled once more and an American firm-De Lew and Cather-was appointed by the Turkish State Highway Department to proceed with the reconnaissance site surveys and investigations. Later, detailed survey and investigation were carried out over the selected area by the same firm Site investigations were completed in 1958 and the Engineering Firm of the late D. B. Steinman was called for the design. As a technician who has taken part in these investigations I will try to give here a concise account of the procedure followed and the results obtained from the point of view of an engineering geologist.


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