Bir Alüvyon Konisinin Geometrisinin Jeoelektrik Metodla Tesbiti

Yurdumuzda bir kaç alüvyon konisinde yapılan jeofizik rezistivite etüd sonuçlarını genellemek mümkün olmuştur.

The determination of the geometry of an alluvial cone by geoelectrical methods

It has been possible to generalize the results of geophysical resistivity survey, to a distinctive classification, of few alluvial cones in our Country. The correlation of resistivity crossection values and resistivity values derived from field curves obtained nearby the wells, and electrical logs, of Aksaray, Koç-hisar, and Merzifon alluvial cones have been made. it has been pointed out that the structure and thickness of the alluvial cones, has been found different due to the principal of sedimantation of alluvial cones.


  • Bu makalede KAYNAKÇA/REFERANSLAR bölümü bulunmamaktadır.