Urban based Cultural Tourism: A Creative influence on the modern society by the rural talents of Santiniketan, West Bengal

Urban based cultural tourism, a niche tourism aspect is achieving prosperity today. The paper explains this concept of how the local engagement of the rural actors is creating effective integration with the urban societies. This relationship between cultural tourism and urban societies are fostering the art and crafts in Santiniketan. The paper considers the influence of rural art and crafts promoted by the local handicraftsmen in the area and explain the role of cross cultural linkage on the modern society.  Such niche tourism aspect has ability to bring positive influence on rural employment and income generation in Santiniketan, hence developing a creative tourism aspects vice-versa. The paper is mainly based on primary data collected from 50 respondents through online questionnaire. Study details the influence of rural talents of Santiniketan on the other part of the world. The methods are qualitative and quantitative. The data are analyzed using likert scale rating from 1 to 5 which are further explained using bar graphs. The paper investigates the specific problematic context of rural cultural tourism of Santiniketan, identifying different stakeholders participating in it and their initiative for development.This shift from ‘traditional’ cultural tourism towards creative tourism is a sustainable approach.


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