Türkiye’de Psikolojik Danışma ve Rehberlik PDR Uzmanlarının İstihdam Olanaklarının İnsan Kaynakları Uzmanlığı Açısından Değerlendirilmesi

Günümüzde psikolojik danışma ve rehberlik mesleğine olan ilgi artarak devam etmektedir. Son yıllarda ülkemizde psikolojik danışmanlık mesleği çeşitli açılardan, farklı kesimlerce tartışılmaktadır. Bu tartışmalar, psikolojik danışmanların sahip olmaları beklenen özellikler ve beceriler ile diğer çalışma alanlarına yönelik istihdamları üzerine odaklanmaktadır. Özellikle psikolojik danışma ve rehberlik PDR programının, eğitim bilimleri fakültesi programlarının içerisinde diğer programlara nazaran istihdam olanakları açısından en cazip program haline dönüştüğü ayrı bir tartışma konusu olmaktadır. Ülkemizde PDR lisans programlarından mezun olanların, ülke ihtiyaçları nedeniyle ağırlıklı olarak özel ve/veya kamu eğitim kurumlarında istihdam edilmeleri nedeniyle, daha çok okul psikolojik danışmanı elemanı olarak yetiştirildikleri söylenebilir. Psikolojik Danışmanlık hizmetleri, özel psikolojik danışmanlık merkezlerinde ve kamu kuruluşlarında sürdürülmektedir. Buna ilave olarak, son yıllarda sağlık ve endüstri kuruluşlarında PDR mezunlarının çalıştıkları gözlenmektedir


Nowadays the interest for psychology consulting and counseling services has been increasing. In recent years, psychology consulting has been discussed bu different classes of our country in terms of different points of view. These discussions focus on what qualities and skills psychology counselors must have and their employments on other working areas. Especially it has been under discussion the fact that psychology consulting and counseling services have turned into the most attractive programme compared to other programmes of Institue of Education Sciences. Inourcountry, the graduate people from Psychological Counselling and Guidance undergraduate programmes are trained as school psychology counselors due to the fact that they are mainly employed in public or private institutions regard to the requirements of the country. Services of psychology consulting have been carrying on in private consulting centers and public institutions. Moreover it has been lately observed that Psychological Counselling and Guidance graduates work in health and industrial institutions. In our country Psychological Counselling and Guidance services have been swiftly developing in terms of services and the power of organisation. Whilemost of the Psychological Counselling and Guidance graduates work in public institutions, the people working in private psychology consulting services and also counseling services can be said to increase as the number of these private institues have been going up. At this point, it becomes important to define the working areas of the people graduating from Psychological Counselling and Guidance undergraduate/ postgraduate programmes. It is stil remarkable that some universities giving education of Psychological Counselling and Guidance undergraduate/ postgraduate programmes state that these working areas of these programmes are limited. That a model on Psychological Counselling and Guidance area cannot be improved specific to Turkey, some physical situations are not suitable for Psychological Counselling and Guidanceservices, standardized assessment instruments are not adequate are some important points limiting career opportunities. This piece of work has aimed at informing the people that will graduate from Psychological Counselling and Guidance undergraduate/postgraduate programmes or the people who have already graduated about the education that will be completed or has been already completed and about another field of job, human resources speciality and finally inform those that Psychological Counselling and Guidance and human resources have a lot in common


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