Yerel Yönetimlerde Nasıl Reform Yapamayız?

Local authorities in Turkey are “democratic governmental organisations” established outside the central administration to carry out local public services. After the foundation of the Republic in 1923, they were given substatial competence and duties, and they had a chance to perform considerable local functions. However, in the course of time, the country has witnessed a trend toward centralisation and local and regional authorities have fallen into a subordinate position against the central government.Over-centralised structure of the administrative system, excessive bureaucracy, excessive practice of administrative truteeship, lack of adequate competencies for certain matters, insufficient financial resources, lack of qualified personnel and unsatisfactory democratic participation and tranparency are dome of the problems encountered by local and regional authorities.In order to find solutions to these problems, many proposals of reform have been prepared after lengthy discussions and works. But anyproposal has not yet presented to the parliament.By the endless initiatives during the years, we have started to recognise how we can not make a reform in the local authorities system of Turkey.