Türk İş Hukukunda Grev Ertelemesi ve Uygulamaları

The subject of Strike Postponement which was first time regulated by the Law No. 275 in 1963 found the grounds of implementation in the Turkish Legal system. But, in 1980, Strike Postponement system was canceled by the state.Strike Postponement system was included the Law No: 2822 which was accepted in 1983. Now, this system is still working. But the practice of this system caused problems between employer and employee side.In this article we tried to find solutions about this problems. That’s why we examined Last legal system and still working system. Also those are compared on the Turkish legal System. Upon the studies we made, it has been determined that interventions with the right to strike in the form of postponement were used in to strike in the form of postponement were used in a manner which exceeded the purpose. It is our opinion that statutory regulations to be made for this issue would make significant contributions to the industrial peace.