The Mediation Role of the Socialization in the Relationship between Family Functioning and Suicidal Tendency

The aim of the current study is to examine the mediator role of socialization process including perceived social support and antisocial behaviors in the relationship between family functioning and suicidal tendency in a nonclinical sample of college students. A total of 594 (60.4% female, 39.6% male) participants completed the Family Adaptability and Cohesion Scale IV, the Risk Behaviors Scale, and the Multidimensional Scale of Perceived Social Support. Structural equation modeling was used to examine the mediator role of socialization process, which begins in family context and extends to interpersonal relations in life. The findings indicated that perceived social support and antisocial behaviors exhibited partial mediation in the relationship between family functioning and suicidal tendency. Consequently, both direct and indirect effects of family functioning significantly predicted suicidal tendency, and the mediation model significantly predicted suicidal tendency with a large effect.


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