An Overview of Turkish Healthcare System after Health Transformation Program: Main Successes, Performance Assessment, Further Challenges, and Policy Options

Turkish healthcare system has been stated to show significantimprovements regarding wider access to healthcare facilities, andthe quality and efficiency through the introduction of Health TransformationProgram launched in 2003. While the old system relied ondiffering provisions and financing and lacked behind many developednations in terms of health outcomes, the new system achieved nearlyuniversal coverage and many health outcomes enhanced significantly.Health expenditures rose to 5.4% of GDP in 2013 from 4.8% in 1998.Furthermore, Turkey provided both better financial protection for thepoor against high health expenditures, and equity in access to healthcare across the population. However, Turkey still faces new challengesto catch other developed countries to have better health and furtherimprove financial sustainability. To reach these targets, Turkey needsto further implement new policy options for reform such as combatinginformal economy, allocating more on health resources, designing incentive-based payment methods, adopting gate keeping system andreferral chain, developing capacity to deploy health technology assessmentsin reimbursement decisions, and ensuring the hospital autonomy.

Turkish healthcare system has been stated to show significant improvements regarding wider access to healthcare facilities, and the quality and efficiency through the introduction of Health Transformation Program launched in 2003. While the old system relied on differing provisions and financing and lacked behind many developed nations in terms of health outcomes, the new system achieved nearly universal coverage and many health outcomes enhanced significantly. Health expenditures rose to 5.4% of GDP in 2013 from 4.8% in 1998. Furthermore, Turkey provided both better financial protection for the poor against high health expenditures, and equity in access to health care across the population. However, Turkey still faces new challenges to catch other developed countries to have better health and further improve financial sustainability. To reach these targets, Turkey needs to further implement new policy options for reform such as combating informal economy, allocating more on health resources, designing incentive-based payment methods, adopting gate keeping system and referral chain, developing capacity to deploy health technology assessments in reimbursement decisions, and ensuring the hospital autonomy