Tourism, recognized as one of the most important service sectors that enable countries to earn gains in economic, social and cultural fields. İn this study both income from tourism and the importance it has on Kyrgyzstan`s tourism is disscussed along with how it effects the Kyrgyz`s economy is evaluated. Tourism industry continues to be one of Kyrgyzstan’s most important sources of development. Therefore the developed and developing countries with a tourism potential, aim to raise the level of country’s welfare by accelerating the economic development, as well as by extending revenue to the base, by especially emphasising on international tourism activities.


Tourism, recognized as one of the most important service sectors that enable countries to earn gains in economic, social and cultural fields. İn this study both income from tourism and the importance it has on Kyrgyzstan`s tourism is disscussed along with how it effects the Kyrgyz`s economy is evaluated. Tourism industry continues to be one of Kyrgyzstan’s most important sources of development. Therefore the developed and developing countries with a tourism potential, aim to raise the level of country’s welfare by accelerating the economic development, as well as by extending revenue to the base, by especially emphasising on international tourism activities.


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