Under the conditions of the existence of various forms of ownership, particularly relevant is the study of the formation, functioning and reproduction of equity. The nature of capital in modern conditions is closely related to ownership of the means of production and the nature of labor, objectively alienated from him and manufactured product. If we proceed from the understanding of capital as an object of private property and the special nature of industrial workers, the capital is, in our opinion, especially the system of property relations, forming the owner's interests.


Under the conditions of the existence of various forms of ownership, particularly relevant is the study of the formation, functioning and reproduction of equity. The nature of capital in modern conditions is closely related to ownership of the means of production and the nature of labor, objectively alienated from him and manufactured product. If we proceed from the understanding of capital as an object of private property and the special nature of industrial workers, the capital is, in our opinion, especially the system of property relations, forming the owner's interests.


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