Five states are part of the Eurasian Economic Union. Economic integration within the framework of the EAEU is proceeding according to a plan outlined in a document on the Union’s development forecast until 2030. Many problems remain that need to be solved precisely in the field of integration. The article is aimed to study the causes of disputes, identifying factors contributing to the unification of participants, and developing an objective vision of the Union’s development prospects. Based on the analysis of today’s relationships among the members of the Eurasian Economic Union, appropriate conclusions and recommendations will be made for further relationship improvement by considering the perspectives of voluntary joining of other countries into the Eurasian Economic Union.


Five states are part of the Eurasian Economic Union. Economic integration within the framework of the EAEU is proceeding according to a plan outlined in a document on the Union’s development forecast until 2030. Many problems remain that need to be solved precisely in the field of integration. The article is aimed to study the causes of disputes, identifying factors contributing to the unification of participants, and developing an objective vision of the Union’s development prospects. Based on the analysis of today’s relationships among the members of the Eurasian Economic Union, appropriate conclusions and recommendations will be made for further relationship improvement by considering the perspectives of voluntary joining of other countries into the Eurasian Economic Union.


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  • Обзор совместного исследования Всемирного банка и Евразийской экономической комиссии: цифровая повестка ЕАЭС-2025: перспективы и рекомендации, 2018.
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