Communication takes on special importance in international management because of the diffuculties in conveying meanings between parties from different countries. The international arena contains a number of communication barriers. Some of the most important are language, perception, culture, and nonverbal communication. Language, in partical, in written communications, often loses considerable meaning in interpretation. Perception and culture can result in people seeing and interpreting things differently and as a result, communication can break down. Nonverbal communication such as bady language, facial expressions, and the use of physical space often vaiy from country to country and often results in communication problems. A number of steps can be taken to improve communication effectiveness. Some of the most important include; improving feedback, providing language and cultural training and encouraging flexibility and cooperation. These steps can be particularly helpful in overcoming communication barriers in the international context and can lead to more effective international management.
Anahtar Kelimeler:

îletişim, işletme


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