The conference “Banking Factor in Asian Countries 1998” was organised by Turkish banks association in 28.09.1998. Mr Philippe Defaise of Thomson Bank Watch as the Hong Kong offıce president was one of the participant and “The development of Banking Systems in Asian countries in 1998” w as futherly discussed. The summmary of characteristics of banking system in Japan has been translated for the people who are interested in the banking sector is as follows.


  • Mr. Philippe Delhaise; Thomson Bank Watch, Hong Kong Ofisi Başkanı ASYA ÜLKELERİNDE BANKACILIK-1998 (JAPONYA), İSTANBUL (28.09.1998 Tarihli Konferans Notları). Japonya Bölümü. Türkiye Bankalar Birliği ve Thomson Bank Bankwatch.