Sınıf Öğretmenlerinin Düşünme Stilleri ve Kullandıkları Ölçme-Değerlendirme Yöntemleri Arasındaki İlişkinin İncelenmesi

Bu araştırmanın amacı sınıf öğretmenlerinin düşünme stillerini, kullandıkları ölçme-değerlendirme yöntemlerini ve bu yöntemlerin düşünme stilleri ile ilişkisini incelemektir. Çalışma 2012-2013 akademik yılında Amasya’da görev yapmakta olan 375 sınıf öğretmeniyle gerçekleştirilmiştir. Çalışmada ilişkisel tarama yöntemi kullanılmıştır. Veriler Stenberg-Wagner (1992) tarafından geliştirilen ve Türkçeye uyarlaması geçerlik güvenirlik çalışması Buluş (2006) tarafından yapılan Düşünme Stilleri Envanteri, araştırmacılar tarafından hazırlanan kişisel bilgi formu ve Ölçme-Değerlendirme Yöntemleri anketi ile elde edilmiştir. Sınıf öğretmenleri, düşünme stilleri envanterinden en yüksek puanları yasama, yürütme ve hiyerarşik düşünme stillerinden; en düşük puanları ise muhafazakâr, global ve lokal düşünme stillerinden almışlardır. Öğretmenlerin düşünme stilleri cinsiyet, mesleki kıdem ve mezuniyet branşına göre farklılaşmamaktadır. Sınıf öğretmenleri çoğunlukla çoktan seçmeli, kısa cevaplı açık uçlu ve boşluk doldurmalı soruları kullanmaktadır. En az kullandıkları veya hiç kullanmadıkları ölçme-değerlendirme yöntemleri ise günlük, yapılandırılmış grid ve tanılayıcı dallanmış ağaçtır. Liberal ve muhafazakâr düşünme stillerinin hiçbir ölçme-değerlendirme yöntemi ile anlamlı ilişkisi bulunmazken diğer düşünme stilleri ile çeşitli yöntemlerin kullanımı arasında anlamlı ilişki bulunmuştur.


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  • The Investigation of Relationship between Elementary School Teachers‟ Thinking Styles and Assessment-Evaluation Methods Nurseval Özbaş iv , ġafak Uluçınar Sağır v The aim of this study is to examine elementary class teachers' thinking styles, assessment and evaluation methods they use and to determine the correlation between these methods and thinking styles. The study has been conducted in 2012-2013 academic year on 375 class teachers who work in Amasya. The correlational survey method was used in this study. The data have been collected with Thinking Styles Scale which was developed by Stanberg-Wagner (1992) and whose validity and reliability studies were conducted by Buluş (2006) and personal data form and assessment-evaluation methods inventory which developed by researchers. The results gathered from the thinking styles scale indicate that the class teachers get the highest scores from executive, legislative and hierarchic thinking styles, and they get the lowest scores from conservative, global and local thinking styles. A significant difference has not been detected in thinking styles in terms of gender, seniority and branch. Moreover, the class teachers tend to use multiple-choice, short-answer, open ended and gap filling questions. The ones at least or never used were identified as being diary, structured grid and diagnostic branched tree. While there is not any significant relation between these assessment -evaluation methods and liberal and conservative thinking styles, there is meaningful relation between other thinking styles and various assessment–evaluation methods.
  • The data gathered by the thinking styles scale suggest that teachers get the highest scores from the hierarchic ( =26,82), execution( =26,00), and legislation ( =25,87) thinking styles and they get lower scores from the conservative ( =17,54), local ( =20,28), and global ( =20,52) thinking styles. It has been revealed that teachers work in a plan, a certain order and a creative manner, and in accordance with the rules, they avoid traditional understanding and they do not like dealing with abstract and detailed works. It has been found out that teachers' thinking styles do not differ according to the gender (t 373 =-1,24; p>0.05). Teachers' thinking styles also don‘t differ according to their branches (t 373 =-0,665; p>0.05) and seniorities (F 6-368 =0,51; p=0,79>0,05). These findings support the literature. When we examine the assessment-evaluation methods that class teachers use, it is seen that they generally prefer to use multiple choice, short answer open ended and gap filling questions. These methods are traditional. This result is in parallel with the related literature. Among the alternative assessment- evaluation methods, structured grid, diagnostic branched tree, puzzle and interview have been found to be the less used methods. The studies of Güven and Eskitürk (2007) and Pullu (2008) indicate that teachers may not know these alternative methods and may have some problems in the process of preparing, implementing or scoring and therefore, they don‘t prefer to use them.
  • When the assessment-evaluation methods the class teachers use are examined according to the thinking styles it has been found out that multiple choice, gap filling and short answer open ended questions are mostly used by all the thinking styles, and diagnostic branched tree and puzzle are underused. The levels of assessment-evaluation methods use have not varied according to thinking style. Although the individuals may have different thinking styles they prefer to use similar methods predominantly. Different studies may be conducted on the importance of thinking styles and how they can be developed for teachers. Alternative assessment-evaluation methods can be introduced to teachers as an in-service teacher training program and they can be encouraged to use these techniques. Keywords: Thinking styles, elementary class teacher, assessment-evaluation methods.