Lıterature For Chıldren

Türkçe: Bilindiği gibi kitaplar tüm insanların ayrılmaz birer parçasıdır. Bu makalede çocuk okurların yetişkinlerle karşılaştırıldıklarında, dilsel gelişimleri tamamlıyor olmalan, dünya bilgi ve deneyimlerinin daha sınırlı olması ve metinsellik boyutunu iyi kavrayamamalan nedeniyle çocuklar için ayn bir yazının gerekliliği vurgulanmıştır.It is a known fact that books are indispensable for all human beings. This article discusses the need of separate literature for children, which is different from that of adults for several reasons. To clarify this point, we first explain reading through which literature is presented.Goodman and Niles (1970:5) explain reading as "a complex process by which a reader reconstructs, to some degree, a message encoded by a writer in graphic language." It must not only be accepted as a creation of the sound form of the word on the basis of its graphic reproduction. As Crowder claims
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Lıterature, For, Chıldren

Lıterature For Chıldren

The poorest man in the world is the man limited to his own experiencesjhe man without books." It is a known fact that books are indispensable for all human beings. This article discusses the need of separate literature for children, which is different from that of adults for several reasons. To clarify this point, we first explain reading through which literature is presented. Goodman and Niles (1970:5) explain reading as "a complex process by which a reader reconstructs, to some degree, a message encoded by a writer in graphic language." It must not only be accepted as a creation of the sound form of the word on the basis of its graphic reproduction. As Crowder claims


  • - CROWDER, Robert G.1982 The Psvcholgy of reading:an Introduction. Oxford.OUP.
  • - FADER.D.N. and M.H.SHAEVITZ. 1966. Hooked on Books. New York: BerkJey.
  • - GOODMAN,K.J..and O.S.NILES 1970. Reading:process and program. Champaign,III.Commission on the English Curriculum/National Council of Teachers of English.
  • - DAYI OĞLU,Gülten. 1989. "Gülten Dayıoğlu ile Çocuk Edebiyatı Üzerine". Çocuk Edebiyatı Yıllığı 1989. İstanbul: Gökyüzü Yayınlan: 327-339.
  • - HARRIS, M. and M. COLTHEARTH. 1986. Language Processing in Children and
  • Adults :An Introduction. London.Routledge&Kegan Paul plc.
  • - SMITH.Lillian H. 1953. The Unreluctant Years. A Critical Approach to Children's Literature. Chicago:American Library Association.
  • - SPINK, John. 1989. Children As Readers.A Study. London:Library Association Publishing Ltd.
  • - WILSON,Ro and M.HALL. 1972. Reading and the Elemantarv School Child- Theory and Practice for Teachers. New York: Van Nostrand Reinhold Ltd.