During investigations for a long time it has been remarked that the oldest metallogenic epochs in Balkan Peninsula include a limited number of, occurrences with sülfür as one of the chief chemical elements. Thus it could be said that in these epochs the deposits with sulphur compounds either have not been formed or in some cases there were only rare showings. So, for instance with the Grenvilian epoch, according to date knowledge, only one occurrence in Pelagonids (Nezilovo) could be associated. In the Baikalian metallogenic epoch, characterized by formation of greenschists in western Macedonian only traces of sulfide mineralizations, then one deposit of lead, zinc and copper sulfides, as well as one pyrite impregnation in the larger Popcevo - Dojran area (eastern Macedonia), exhibiting sülfür content less than 0,11% are present. In contrast to Pelagonian-Rhodopean massif, in the Green complex (Vlasina) of eastern Serbia numerous deposits and occurrences of pyrite and lead, zinc and copper sulfides are present, indicating a more remarkable sülfür yield in this district during Baikalian metallogenic epoch. Thanks to this fact it could be estimated this epoch to be much more enriched in sülfür in Balkan Peninsula, compared with the Grenvilian epoch. In the next epochs (Caledonian and Hercynian) the sülfür yield had become more and more intensive. This is especially related to the phytlitic volcanogenic-sedimentary origin formation of western Macedonian. in which fifteen deposits and occurrences of lead. zinc, copper and molybdenum sulfides have been registered, indicating numerous richer and poorer, certainly irregular pyrite impregnations. Compared with all previous epochs, the Alpine (early and late) time is characterized by great number of deposits of lead, zinc, copper, iron, arsenic, mercury sulfides and other metals, then by sulphates in sedimentary complexes, thus geochemically very sharply differing Alpine time from all previous epochs. On the basis of these facts, one could ascertain that the Cretaceous-Tertiary period could geochemically be characterized as the Sulphur Epoch. Judging by all these facts this is only the feature of Balkan Peninsula, but is probably of Global importance (phenomena).


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