In western Anatolia, a belt of anchimetamorphic rocks that are characterized by penetratively developed slaty deavage, extensive mineral overgrowths and formation of new phylosilicate minerals extends between the Izmir-Ankara zone and the northernmost schist and gneiss masses of the Menderes massif In the report area, the anchimetamorphic assemblage is divisible into three stratigraphic units The Middle Triassic lower slate unit consists mainly of slates representing fine-grained silicic and basic tuffs, and subordinately of silicic lava, quartz-conglomerate, quartzofeldspathic sandstone, gray and red limestones. thinly bedded lithic sandstone and red bedded chert. The Middle Triassic to probably Early Liassic upper slate unit consists mainly of slates representing illitic mudrocks and lithic wackes, and subordinately of lithic arenite. lithic conglomerate, gray limestone and coarse-grained mafic tuff. The Middle Liassic limestone unit is made up of gray bioclastic limestones. The Latest Cretaceous (to Paleocene) turbidite-olistostrome unit, which is widely spread in the Izmir-Ankara zone, overlies unconformably the southerly-tying anchimetamorphic rocks and the steep boundary fault separating these rocks from the older entities of the zone. The exposure of the relative allochthon of the anchimetamorphic rocks of a southern origin, the steepening of the fault and the onlap of the turbidite-olistostrome unit onto the anchimetamorphic basement seem to be Latest Cretaceous events.



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