63 recent sediment samples from the Gulf of Gemlik were analyzed and found to be very rich in foraminifer, ostracod and mollusk fauna. The dominance of the deep sea foraminifer species attracts attention. Unexpectedly, a typical Mediterranean foraminifer fauna in samples 47, 48 and 66 was observed. The mollusk fauna is also typical Mediterranean and 5 genuses and species of them were new records for the Sea of Marmara. Morphological anomalies observed on foraminifer tests indicate the presence of different chemical and biological conditions in certain regions. The reasons of test anomalies can be chemical, physical, biological and geological, or a combination of them, which suggests that these parameters should be evaluated together, thus heavy metal and organic pollutants (PAH) of the sediments were also taken into consideration.Note: This paper is published in Turkish edition of the Bull. Min.Res.Exp.  Just abstract of this paper is translated and published in the foreign edition. If you want to reach the whole pdf of Turkish edition of this paper, The title is  "GEMLİK KÖRFEZİ YÜZEY ÇÖKELLERİNİN FORAMİNİFER, OSTRAKOD VE MOLLUSK FAUNASI, FORAMİNİFER KAVKILARINDA GÖZLENEN MORFOLOJİK ANOMALİLER İLE BÖLGENİN SEDİMENTOLOJİK, HİDROKİMYASAL VE BİOKİMYASAL ÖZELLİKLERİ"


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