- The condensate sequence exposed around Üzümlü-Huğlu, about 30 km SW of Beyşehir, whose typical section is located in the Boyalı Tepe, is one of the best examples of these kind of occurrences in the Beyşehir-Hoyran nappes. This pelagic sequence with a total thickness of 25-30 m overlies the platform type limestones and presents a continuous sedimentation between Early Jurassic and Late Cretaceous. This condensate sequence, formed by a minimum sedimentation in a wide time interval, is composed of 3 parts from bottom to top: 1- Ammonite bearing with red-nodules (Jurassic: total thickness is 7- 9 m); 2- White, reddish, and multi-colored, radiolarite interbedded, Calpionella sp. and Globigerina sp. bearing limestones (Lower Cretaceous: total thickness is 3-4 m); and 3- Reddish colored, silica banded or noduled, Globotruncana sp. limestones (Upper Cretaceous: total thickness is 15-17 m). The condense character of this pelagic sequence described, is determined by the criteria given below: a- Repetetive deep sea erosional surfaces or hardgrounds. These erosional surfaces are characterized by iron microcrusts and dense filament accumulations which were derived from pelagic lamellibranches (probably Bositra sp.), particularly in Jurassic samples. b- Deep see fractures and the fractures filled with internal sediments. c- The abundance of nanno-organism in the pelagic matrix; but their poor preservation due to early diagenesis. d- The activities of deep sea and micro-endolithic organisms. Especially, active borings of micro-endolithic organisms in the Globotruncana sp. sections, e- Excess hardness due to early diagenesis and compression and stilolite in the following diagenetic stages.



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