Etüd materyeli 1959-1960 senelerinde Amasra mıntakasında yapılmış olan taşkömür sondajlarından elde edilmiştir. Kullanılan pratik, kömür maserasyon usulü Dijkstra (1946) tarafından yayınlanmıştır. Bulduğumuz yeni Megaspor tipleri R. Potonie ve G. Kremp (1954) ve Bhardwaj'ın (1955) izah ettikleri spor genuslarına ithal edilmiştir. Amasra Kömür Havzası spor florasının tetkiki neticesinde 14 yeni spor spesiesi bulunmuştur; bunların ayrı ayrı izahları ve stratigrafikdağılışları aşağıda açıklanmıştır. 


The material on which this investigation is made was collected from the coal borings carried out by the M. T. A. Institute in the Amasra district during the year 1959-1960. The practice of coal maceration, applied here, has already been published by S.J. Dijkstra (1946). These new Megaspore species are referred to spore genera as defined by R. Potonie and G. Kremp (1954) and by C. D. Bhardwaj (1955). As a result of the study of the flora in the Amasra Coal Basin, 14 new species of spores had been found and they are individually and stratigraphically described below.


  • ARNOLD, C. A. (1950) : Megaspores from the Michigan Coal Basin. Contr. Muş. Paleont. Univ. Mich., Vol. V, No. 5, pp. 59-111.
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  • (1952 a ) : Megaspores of the Turkish Carboniferous and their stratigraphical value. Int.
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  • (1952 b) : New Carboniferous Megaspores from Turkey. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. London, Ser. 12, Vol. V, pp. 102-104.
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  • (1955) : The Megaspores of the VVestphalian D and C. Med. Geol. Sticht. Nevv Ser. 8, pp. 5-11.
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  • (1955 b ) : Megaspores Carboniferas Espanolas y su empleo en la correlacion estratigrafica (with English summary). Etudios GeoL, No. 27, 28, Vol. XI, pp. 277-354, Madrid.
  • DIJKSTRA, S. J. (1956) : Some Braziliarı Megaspores, Lower Permian in age. and their comparison with Lower Gondwana Spores from India. Med. Geol. Sticht.. New Ser., Vol. IX, p. 6, Maastricht.
  • (1956) : Lower Carboniferous Megaspores. Med. Geol. Sticht., New Ser., Vol. 10, pp. 5-18.
  • (1958) : On a Megaspore-bearing Lycopod strobilus. Acta Botanica Neerlandica, 7,pp.217-222.
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  • Geol. Sticht., Nevv Ser., Vol. XI, pp. 5-19.
  • ERGÖNÜL, Y. (1959) : The Carboniferous Megaspores from the Zonguldak- and Amasra coal basin and their stratigraphical values. M. T. A. Bull. No. 53, Ankara.
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  • KALTBOVA, M. (1951) : Megaspores of the Radnice Coal Measure Zone of the Kladno-Rakovnik Coal Basin. Geol. Surv. Czeckoslovakia, 18 (Pal.). 21-83, Pl. 5-8, Prague.
  • PREM SİNGH in SURANGE, K. R., PREM SİNGH & P. N. SRİVASTAVA (1953) : Megaspores from the West Bokaro Coalfield (Lower Gondwana) of Bihar. The Palaebotanist, Vol II, pp. 9-17.
  • POTONIE, R. & KREMP, G. (1955) : Die Sporae dispersae des Ruhrkarbons. Abdruck aus Paleontographica. Teil I und II Sonder. Bd. 98 und 99, Abt. B., Hannover.
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  • PIERART, P. (1955) : Les Megaspores contenues dans quelques couches de houille du Westf. B et C aux charbonnages Limburg, Meuse. Publ. Ass. Etüd. Brux., No. 21, Hors Ser., Vol. VIII, pp. 125-142.
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