ÖZETMantar yetiştiriciliği tarım alanlarına gereksinim duymayan, dar alanda yüksek gelir sağlayan ve yıl içinde birden fazla üretim imkânı olan bir ekonomik faaliyettir. Korkuteli’nde 1990’lı yılların başlarından itibaren önem kazanan mantar yetiştiriciliği, büyük oranda aile işletmeciliği şeklinde yapılır. Gelir ve istihdam artırıcı etkisi nedeniyle yöre ekonomisine önemli katlı sağlar. Gelişmiş turistik merkezlere yakınlık, mantar için gerekli kompost üretim tesislerinin kurulması, sıcaklık ve nem şartlarının uygunluğu Korkuteli’nde kültür mantarcılığının gelişmesine önemli katkı sağlamıştır. Ancak sürekli artan maliyetler, teknik işgücü gerekliliği ve geleneksel tarım faaliyetlerine bağlılık mantarın temel geçim kaynaklarından biri olmasını engellemektedir. Anahtar Kelimeler: Mantar, üretim, sıcaklık, nemABSTRACTMushroom cultivation is an economic activity, providing high income in narrow space, having more than one production opportunities in a year and not requiring agricultural lands.  Mushroom cultivation, which has come into prominence in Korkuteli as from early 1990s, has been substantially performed as family-owned management. Due to its effect increasing income and employment, it makes a great contribution to the local economy. Closeness to important touristic centers, establishment of compost production facilities required for mushroom, and suitability of temperature and humidity conditions have made a significant contribution to development of mushroom cultivation in Korkuteli.  However, ever-growing costs, requirement of technical labor force, and commitment to traditional agricultural activities have prevented the mushroom from being one of main living sources.Keywords: Mushroom, production, temperature, humidity
Anahtar Kelimeler:

Mantar, üretim, sıcaklık, nem


Mushroom cultivation is an economic activity, providing high income in narrow space, having more than one production opportunities in a year and not requiring agricultural lands. Mushroom cultivation, which has come into prominence in Korkuteli as from early 1990s, has been substantially performed as family-owned management. Due to its effect increasing income and employment, it makes a great contribution to the local economy. Closeness to important touristic centers, establishment of compost production facilities required for mushroom, and suitability of temperature and humidity conditions have made a significant contribution to development of mushroom cultivation in Korkuteli. However, ever-growing costs, requirement of technical labor force, and commitment to traditional agricultural activities have prevented the mushroom from being one of main living sources


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