Topluluk Hukukunda Özel Kişilerin İptal Davası Açma Hakkının Gelişiminde Avrupa Topluluğu Adalet Divanının Yaklaşımına Eleştirisel Bir Bakış

Öz One of the distinguished features of the Con ımunity legal system is the fact that private parties, as well as the Member States, are subject to EC law and have opportunity to benefit from alternative means of redress before the European Court of Justice ECJ .As a direct way of challenging the Community measures, the annulment proceeding in Article 230 4 of EC Treaty ensures legal protection to natural and legal persons.However its strict conditions limit this right of action in kinds of act susceptible of challenge and by means of severe locus standi requirements.ln the application of the so-called article, while the overall approach of the ECJ has been too restrictive and narrow, in some cases it has adopted more flexible and liberal approach.That is why, the Court's interpretation has been an area of great concern throughout the integration process. Within this framework, this study details the ECJ case law in relation to standing rights of private parties, examines the reasons behind different approaches of the Court and explains how the ECJ has contributed to the development of this right.