The increasingly strong business competition today forces both government and private organizations to empower and optimize all their resources to sustain the organization. This study aims to examine the effect of human resource quality, commitment and motivation on the performance of administrative staff both simultaneously and partially at Regional Secretariat of Malang Regency. The type of this research is explanatory research using multiple regression analysis method. The result of this research shows a magnitude influence of human resources quality, commitment and motivation toward employee performance. This research contributes the development theory of human resources and provide material as a consideration related to performance improvement of administrative staff. 


The increasingly strong business competition today forces both government and private organizations to empower and optimize all their resources to sustain the organization. This study aims to examine the effect of human resource quality, commitment and motivation on the performance of administrative staff both simultaneously and partially at Regional Secretariat of Malang Regency. The type of this research is explanatory research using multiple regression analysis method. The result of this research shows a magnitude influence of human resources quality, commitment and motivation toward employee performance. This research contributes the development theory of human resources and provide material as a consideration related to performance improvement of administrative staff. 


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