Delineation of the Watersheds Basin in the Konya City and Modelling by Geographical Information System

The purpose of this study is to delineation the watersheds basin in the Konya city from topographical map using Shuttle Radar Topography Mission digital elevation model (SRTM 1 Arc Second Digital Terrain Elevation Data - Global (approx. 30 m resolution)) in ArcGIS. Digital elevation model (DEM) was used as a main data source combination with the PC version of ArcGIS and Extract hydrologic information from a digital elevation model (DEM) in ArcGIS using Hydrology Tools. DEM's have been developed by the Earth Resources Observation Systems (EROS) Data Center of the United States Geological Survey (USGS), and downloaded from their internet site. A spatial hydrology model is one which simulates the water flow and transport on a specified region of the earth using GIS data structures, the boundary of the region is represented by a polygon, such as a river basin boundary or an aquifer boundary. The results showed that by using watershed function in ArcGIS for watershed delineation in the Konya city basin and sub basin can be determined. This work is mainly a case-study of simple applicability of GIS as a tool of watershed delineation and drainage extraction. Watershed boundary, flow direction ,flow accumulation,  flow length, stream ordering have been prepared using Hydrology Tool; and contour has been prepared using Surface Tool in ArcGIS-10.3.1 software and DEM, and build model for these processes then show the DEM in three dimension in Arcsine. The total area of watershed calculated from watershed layer is about (40233.94 km2) but according to Konya Wikipedia it is works out to be (38,873 km2).


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