Bu çalışmanın amacı ülkemizde henüz yeterli seviyede güncellik kazanmamış olan “Hizmetkar Liderlik” olgusunu kavramsal çerçevede detaylı olarak ele almak ve ampirik araştırmalar için altyapı oluşturmak üzere Dierendonck ve Nuijten (2011) tarafından geliştirilen Hizmetkar Liderlik Anketini-HLA Türkçe’ye kazandırmaktır. İnsani ve etik değerleri merkezinde barındıran teorilerden biri olan Hizmetkar Liderliğin Türkiye’de araştırılmalara daha fazla konu olması amacıyla, 339 katılımcıdan toplanan verilerle HLA’nın Türkçe geçerlilik ve güvenilirliği doğrulayıcı faktör analizi yöntemiyle test edilmiştir.Ayrıca ölçeğin çalışan iyilik hali ile ilişkileri analiz edilmiş, otantiklik faktörü çıkarıldıktan sonra ülkemizde 7 boyut ve 26 maddeden oluşan versiyonunun kullanılması istatistiksel olarak kabul edilebilir bulunmuştur.Anahtar Sözcükler: Hizmetkar Liderlik, Doğrulayıcı Faktör Analizi, İyilik Hali, HLAUNDERSTANDING SERVANT LEADERSHIP: FROM THEORY TO EMPIRICAL RESEARCHAbstractThe aim of this article is to deeply investigate “Servant Leadership-SL” theoretically and set a base for future empirical research by adapting Servant Leadership Survey-SLS developed by Dierendonck and Nuijten (2011) into Turkish. SL is one of the people and ethics centred theories but not a very common notion for Turkey. In order to stimulate future researchers to involve with the subject, Turkish validity and reliability of SLS was tested by using CFA with data collected from 339 employees from automotive and textile industries in Bursa. The relationship between SL and employee well-being was also analysed. After authenticity dimension dropped out, Turkish version of SLS was consisted of 7 dimensions and 26 items, which was statistically acceptable to use in further research in Turkey.Keywords: Servant Leadership, Confirmatory Factor Analysis, Well-being, SLS


The aim of this article is to deeply investigate “Servant Leadership-SL” theoretically and set a base for future empirical research by adapting Servant Leadership Survey-SLS developed by Dierendonck and Nuijten (2011) into Turkish. SL is one of the people and ethics centred theories but not a very common notion for Turkey. In order to stimulate future researchers to involve with the subject, Turkish validity and reliability of SLS was tested by using CFA with data collected from 339 employees from automotive and textile industries in Bursa. The relationship between SL and employee well-being was also analysed. After authenticity dimension dropped out, Turkish version of SLS was consisted of 7 dimensions and 26 items, which was statistically acceptable to use in further research in Turkey.Keywords: Servant Leadership, Confirmatory Factor Analysis, Well-being, SLS


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