The current financial crisis of 2008 has caused to the emergence of different analyses in the context of the reasons of crisis both in mainstream economics and heterodox economics. This study focuses on various arguments in heterodox economics and tries to analyze them as a whole. It is worth-stressing to argue that there is no consensus on the causes and reasons of the crisis. It is hard to reach a comprehensive analysis both as theoretically and practically. Therefore in this study we will put together these different kind of arguments in order to solve this difficulty.
Anahtar Kelimeler:



The current financial crisis of 2008 has caused to the emergence of different analyses in the context of the reasons of crisis both in mainstream economics and heterodox economics. This study focuses on various arguments in heterodox economics and tries to analyze them as a whole. It is worth-stressing to argue that there is no consensus on the causes and reasons of the crisis. It is hard to reach a comprehensive analysis both as theoretically and practically. Therefore in this study we will put together these different kind of arguments in order to solve this difficulty


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