Ar-Ge faaliyetleri işletmelerin rekabet gücünü artırıcı, marka ve patent üretiminin ateşleyicisi olma gibi niteliklerinin yanı sıra makro boyutta ülke ekonomilerinin kalkınma ve büyümesinin dinamiğini temsil edecek kadar önemli faaliyetler bütünüdür. Özellikle son yıllarda artan küresel rekabet koşullarında mikro ve makro ekonomik birimler için Ar-Ge maliyetli olmasına karşın çok önemli ve bir o kadarda özel bir faaliyet alanıdır. Bu çalışmada BRICS-T* ülkelerinin Ar-Ge faaliyetleri için yapmış oldukları teşvikler üzerinde durularak, bu teşviklerin ülke ekonomilerine yapmış oldukları katkıların Ar-Ge yanlı değişkenler üzerindeki etkileri ekonometrik yöntemlerle ortaya konulmaya çalışılmıştır. Ayrıca Türkiye içi yapılan analizde Merkezi bütçeden Ar-Ge faaliyetleri için ayrılan payın Ar-Ge harcamaları üzerindeki etkinliği ampirik olarak incelenmiştir.     Anahtar kelimeler: Ar-Ge faaliyetleri, BRICS-T, Teşvikler     JEL : E00, I18 COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS ON EFFECTIVENESS OF R&D EXPENDITURES INCENTIVES: THE CASE OF TURKEY AND BRICS COUNTRIESAbstractR & D activities to increase the competitiveness of enterprises, such as trademark and patent production is the igniter of the nature of the national economy at the macro level as well as the dynamics of growth and development will represent a set of activities is so important. Especially in recent years, increasing global competition conditions for micro-and macro-economic unit cost of R & D, although a very important and so is a special field of activity. In this study, the BRICS-T countries' R & D activities have made to their incentives, with emphasis on promoting it the country's economy have made to the contributions of the R & D side variables impact on econometric methods to be introduced were studied. The analysis also within Turkey from the central budget allocated to R & D activities, R & D expenditures have empirically examined the activity on.      Keywords: R & D activities, BRICS-T, Incentives      JEL : E00, I18


R & D activities to increase the competitiveness of enterprises, such as trademark and patent production is the igniter of the nature of the national economy at the macro level as well as the dynamics of growth and development will represent a set of activities is so important. Especially in recent years, increasing global competition conditions for micro-and macro-economic unit cost of R & D, although a very important and so is a special field of activity. In this study, the BRICS-T countries' R & D activities have made to their incentives, with emphasis on promoting it the country's economy have made to the contributions of the R & D side variables impact on econometric methods to be introduced were studied. The analysis also within Turkey from the central budget allocated to R & D activities, R & D expenditures have empirically examined the activity on


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