Koso vo was a part of rite 0110111011 Empire ji"0111 15th ce11tu1J' to 20th ce11twy The blood vengeance was co111mo11 among Albanians. particularly Kosovons. 111 the last quarter of 19th cent111J1, A bdiillw111id 11 took measures to pro vide peace and security. Th e establishment of the Commission f or Blood Peace was one of these measures. Although he did his best to eliminate the problem he was 11 ot .1·uccessji.d. The .fight against of blood f euds kept 011 the period of the Sultan Reshad. When Kosovo came out of sovereignty of Ottomans, blood(euds was still active


Koso vo was a part of rite 0110111011 Empire ji"0111 15th ce11tu1J' to 20th ce11twy The blood vengeance was co111mo11 among Albanians. particularly Kosovons. 111 the last quarter of 19th cent111J1, A bdiillw111id 11 took measures to pro vide peace and security. Th e establishment of the Commission f or Blood Peace was one of these measures. Although he did his best to eliminate the problem he was 11 ot.1·uccessji.d. The .fight against of blood f euds kept 011 the period of the Sultan Reshad. When Kosovo came out of sovereignty of Ottomans, blood(euds was still active


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  • 130A: Y.PRK.UM, 23/3 1; DH.MKT, 97/38, 2063177, 246115, 669/18. 2655/88, 2760/33, 1896/3, 1911 /3, 191 9149, 25/32, 1909/24, 1936/ 16, 196417, 1954/97, 1938173, 2037170;
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