Adana Piyasasında Tüketime Sunulan Sade-Kaymaklı Dondurmalarının Mikrobiyolojik Kalitelerinin Tüketici Sağlığı Açısından Değerlendirilmesi

Bu çalışma ila Adana'da halkın tüketimine sunulan sade kaymaklı dondurmaların mikrobiyolojik kaliteleri tüketici sağlığı açısından değerlendirilmiştir. Bu amaçla 1 Eylül-15 Ekim 1995 tarihleri arasında toplam 24 adet dondurma örneği çeşitli pastahane, imalathane ve satış noktalarından alınarak analiz edilmiştir. Örnekler; a) Sokak dondurması, b) Pastahane dondurması, c) "Maraş dondurması" adıyla satılan ve d) Fabrikasyon dondurması olmak üzere dört kategoride, her birinden 6 tekerrürlü olarak incelenmiştir.  
Anahtar Kelimeler:


Determination of Microbiological Quality of Regular Icecream Consumed in Adana, in regard to Public Health (Turkish with English Abstract)

in this research, microbiological quality of regular ice cream consumed in Adana was determined in regard to public health. For this reason, total of 24 samples were taken from production areas and sale points in Adana in aseptic conditions in different time periods between 1st September-15th October 1995. The samples were divided in four categories as: a) Peddler ice cream, b) Pastry ice cream, c) Ice cream called as "Maraş ice cream" and d) ice cream is produced in factories. Six samples from each category were investigated.All of the samples were analysed for their total aerobic bacteria, psychophysic bacteria, coliforms (E. coli), S. aureus,fecal Streptococcus,yeast and mould counts and for the presence of Salmonella and Shigella bacteria. The effects of different ways of ice cream producing showed that, there were statistically no difference between all of the samples concerning their microbiological content. However, factory ice cream was found to have less microbial content than others. As a conclusion it may be stated that, ice cream consumed in Adana has low microbial quality. 
